Page 15 of Nusquam

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The woman withdraws, putting aside the bottle, wickedly delaying the command to swallow. After a moment... too long... comes the welcomed word.


Simultaneous with the command, the woman reaches and grasps the altered and sore tongue. 128 sputters, salt water ingesting but also spilling.

“Tsk, tsk. Sloppiness is forbidden here, 128. 128 will need to practice. But first a few inches of Fred, the training dildo.128 and Fred are going to become close friends over the ensuing days. 128 will come to take great comfort has he slides in and out, in and out, deeper and deeper. Some of the girls imagine him tickling their tummies...”

Chapter Seventeen

Initial fellatio training completed, the molt gag has been removed. 128 lies sensing relative nirvana, despite the bondage and dark loneliness. Her full bladder and itchy encapsulated nakedness seem to be inconveniences compared to the recent ordeals. She is cautiously cheered that such have ended.

But a new concern brings rumination. In completing the training session, 128’s so termed new friend Fred repeatedly pressed to the back of her throat... and seemingly beyond... 45 turned to exit, revealing her bare buttocks. The flesh of her right cheek, at one time most shapely no doubt, is adorned with the letter ‘N’... large, the keloided skin a hideous crimson which brought noted prominence. The woman has been branded, 128 quickly realized in horror... like an animal... like something owned... like a slave.

Hideously tattooed, will 128 be branded as well? The many steel bands readily announced the woman’s subjugant status, demanded bondage no doubt instant and thorough. To be marked as well... painfully and permanently!

The ear pieces interrupt her thoughts.

“Why is 128 here?”

“128 is here to serve and please,” the words coming by rote, 128 now prepared to reply the instant the ear pieces hiss.

“45 reports you have a strong aptitude for fellatio, 128. That 128 is going to be a good cock sucker.”

“Thank you. I... 128 tries to please,” 128 catching herself.

“128 will do more than try. A reward for progress.128 may urinate... upon command.”

“Thank you. Thank you.”

The words are followed a long pause... and disbelief... that the well educated, once wealthy Princess would thank a superior for being permitted to soil her herself. Though the excretions from the previous release have yet to fully dry, leaving her mummified form soaking in odorous irritating filth, her needs overwhelm. She will urinate and be grateful.

Thus 128 prepares, pressing her stomach muscles, the vaginal insertion inhibiting normal flow. When permission finally comes... ‘128 may empty’... the delay seemingly interminable, she is ready. Quickly she senses the wet warmth which ironically comforts... initially... and finally lifts the burden of constant bladder pressure.

“128 performs well. Obedience is demanded at Nusquam. Your nurse will visit... in time... and offer care.”

“Thank you. May 128 drink... water? Fresh water?”

“128 will drink what is demanded. Do not inquire again.”

With the admonishment, 128 feels a slight electrical tingling within her vagina... a warning. She will indeed not inquire again.

Chapter Eighteen

Once again the ear pieces announce pending activity. The room alights. Cheer returns... relative cheer. Then 128 catches her reflection in the ceiling mirror... the large black numerals of her tattoo. It disheartens.

“A bath... and some exercise.”

It is the nurse, her words stern yet bringing the heart to leap.


As the nurse steps forth, 128 hears a woof and the clatter of claws on concrete. A dog accompanies the nurse, and judging from the timbre of the bark, it is of size.

“I trust you like dogs, 128. Our canine friends are trained to ensure your obedience. Very friendly if you’re obeisant to them. They are very much aware of who is to be under their command and who in turn commands them. So follow the rules.”

With the words of advice, the deeply set ears pieces are pried away. Next a curved knife, razor sharp, slips under the layers of plastic wrapping at the neck. 128 shudders in fear, but the nurse proves to be exacting as her hand glides downward, between the hillocks of her breasts, to her belly, mons and the narrow crevice formed by tightly encased thighs and legs. The woman has before peeled away the confining wrapping of a helpless subjugant.

The room air brings an instantaneous chill, the skin wet with perspiration and urine. The stench overwhelms as the plastic is pulled aside, the nurse barking a command as she steps away.
