Page 17 of Nusquam

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“You can’t imagine what these training dildos cost, 128. Months in development. The shape, the proper voltage, the electronics... plus wiring the entire compound to assure the female subjugants can be properly jolted and disciplined. Lots of time and effort to remind our masochists of their place.”

Fingers twist, the bottom yielding to free a column of batteries. Such are disposed of, a nearby shelf offering a fresh supply.

“Don’t feel relieved. We’ll have you stuffed again later. It’s now time to put you on display. Stand. Hands to your head. Walk behind me and to my right. Heel for me, like the little doggie you’d like to be.”

The nurse pulls from the wall a thick length of plastic and turns, offering the leash a harsh tug as she strolls to the exit door. 128 knows to follow, Brutus the Mastiff in turn following her.

“We use the sjambok here. We go through so many we need something cheap for correction. Quite painful yet it rarely breaks the skin. That’s important. Infection is rife in the tropics. Plus open welts can be rather unsightly, don’t you think?”

With that, the nurse pauses, turns and delivers a crisp stroke to 128’s right buttock. She lurches and howls, the pain unexpected, instant, and convincing.

“Yes, you’re going to be a good girl for me, 128. Very obedient, very respectful.”

The leash hand lowers, fingers gesturing. 128 remembers to spread her feet, invitingly. The hand reaches, fingers splaying the hairless vaginal lips, slipping inward with ease.

“You howl in pain, but your cunt tells me you enjoy, 128. You’re going cherish your long stay at Nusquam. We know exactly what you need.”

Remaining wet, the quick cold rinse returning her nipples to pencil points, 128 is led into the bright sunlight, the glare bringing a sheen to her naked hairless flesh. Outdoors, fully exposed, leashed and under the auspices of a dog, oddly she feels satiation. The secretive world of Nusquam is finally to be revealed.

Chapter Twenty

Is it within reason to pine for the quiet darkness of being wrapped?

Such thoughts broil as 128 stands on toes, wrist bands summarily clipped to a long horizontal pipe high above. Restrained spread, as seems to be the demanded pose at Nusquam, her right ankle band is secured to the left ankle of a girl of color. Her left is secured to the right ankle of a... well... 128 is not certain. The forehead bears the numerals 1...2...6... followed by the letter ‘C”. The naked form appears effeminate, but a diminutive strip of flesh flops about between parted thighs... and if there were testicles such have apparently been excised. Thoughts of such calloused alteration at first gave rise to concern. But as the stress slowly takes its toll, standing motionless in the searing hot tropical sun, hour after hour, thoughts of 128’s own well being pervade.

The nurse restrained her, leaving Brutus in charge. Her final advisement was to remain still, fighting the restraints to be futile, and reminding that relieving oneself without permission a violation... infractions to be policed by the imposing canine.

Diverting the unending suffering... attempting to divert the unending suffering... 128 turns her head right to surveil her compatriot. The girl is tall. Her dark skin is hairless including head and eyebrows. 128 cringes in noting that she bares no tattoo, instead the keloided flesh of the forehead reveals the numerals 127. She has been branded, the black ink of 128’s delineation oth

erwise not discernible on her coal blackness.

As opposed to 128’s somewhat zoftig form, the girl is muscular, most likely an athlete... former athlete... with thin layers of epidermis highlighting thighs and calves of power. The buttocks are attractively rolled, ready to unfurl and forcefully propel. Contrasting 128’s voluptuous form are the breasts... shapely yet limited... body fat long ago burned away by what 128 imagines to be exhausting workouts.

“How long have you...”

128’s question in truncated as a docile Brutus snaps to attention. A deep loud woof interrupts, the hound bounding to closely position himself before 128’s spread thighs. She feels his hot breath on the tender pink of her nether lips. Initially welcomed, yet the snarl frightens, her vulnerability unbounded.

Message received, 128 returns to silence, peering down at the massive head, tongue dangling, saliva drooling, the panting breath bringing a frisson of delight despite the apprehension.

Subordinating herself to a dog! Degrading, but there is no doubt that Brutus is in charge. There even comes a reward when, apparently satisfied with 128’s silent compliance, Brutus offers her mons a quick lick, bringing evanescent delight... demented delight... before the beast saunters off to return to his guard post.

Thus the day wears and wears. Is this all there is to Nusquam?

Boredom, a filling bladder and the slow suffering bring the need for diversion. 128 looks about to survey her surroundings. There are low cinder block buildings, many and unpretentious. In the distant horizon the low rolling hills are verdant, the surroundings indeed a tropical jungle. There come the sounds of fauna, unrecognizable. Birds exotic. Insects serenading in unison. When strange hoots, howls and wails are heard in the distance, 128 becomes oddly grateful for the protective presence of Brutus, the huge canine no doubt able to fend wild beasts of size and ferocity.

Peering at what appears to be a lighting pole, 128 notes a high mounted camera, its lens directed. Someone, somewhere is observing, the three naked struggling forms, restrained motionless in the hot sun, serving to entertain.

Chapter Twenty-One

128’s agitation grows. She needs to empty herself and without the vaginal insertion such should be facile. Yet there is no one to offer permission and Brutus is sure to enforce the rules. Plus there is the monitoring overhead camera and the threat of the sjambok, the nurse’s quick and effortless demonstration stroke most painful.

She attempts to squeeze together her thighs, holding the contents of her bladder within. As she tugs, drawing in right foot and left, 127 responds, in turn pulling her left foot. 128 finds herself losing the duel, the well muscled left leg easily drawing inward to add aggravation to 128’s awkward and revealing pose. She finds herself further spreading.

This cannot last. She must pee!

Alas, there come the sounds of activity. A door opens and closes somewhere behind. There are voices. Finally into view comes a woman... tall, blonde, potentially ravishing but for masculine hair styling detracting from natural feminine allure. In her right hand is sjambok. In her left a leash leading to a steel neck band. Following is the collared, naked hairless form of a girl, forehead tattooed in black, numerals 5... 4, her many steel bands evidencing her position of subservience.

“Some new arrivals 54. Exciting is it not!”
