Page 45 of Nusquam

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“She’ll some day serve as a subjugant at Nusquam. But for now she needs to be able function in the real world,” Kelly explains. “You can play with her if you’d like.”

The tray is carefully lowered, Linda takes an offered mimosa and responds to the invitation by slipping her free hand behind to the girl’s buttocks, playfully pinching a large tuft of smooth soft flesh. The girl smiles, her submission to another’s touch notable.

“So this is Mansfield’s new world? For a guy it would seem pleasurable. Not much to inspire contrition.”

“I think you will find that Muskrat Mike is being appropriately handled. Just hope that his homophobia persists. Useful in making sure his many misdeeds are adequately addressed,” Kelly selecting a mimosa and twirling her finger in a gesture for the girl to turn.

Right ankle secured, legs constricted, the girl carefully pirouettes, exposing the cruel branded letter ‘N’ on her right cheek. Linda, at first aghast, smiles anew, realizing that the keloided flesh, emblazoned with permanent red dye, denotes ownership, the girl never to deny her status.

“How long did you work at this place?” Linda’s curiosity piqued.

“Five years. Learned a lot. Picked up some medical skills not normally used in the vanilla world. And the atmosphere is... term it comforting for people of certain tastes.”

“And no one leaves?”

“Not the subjugants. Initially welcomed, the protocol is found acceptable by those of a... well self degrading ilk. Once indoctrinated, there’s no going back. It’s a lifetime of servitude. Michael Mansfield is an exception... a bit if a subterfuge in obtaining his initial conc

urrence. And there are others forced into servitude. But none that the world will ever miss.”

“And this girl?”

“A runaway, working the streets of New York... and starving. When we learned of her penchant for offering cheap blow jobs, her self deprecation made her a Nusquam candidate.”

“So she’s orally proficient?”

“Absolutely... fellatio... cunnilingus... a lively tongue. Perfecting it is part of the Nusquam indoctrination. On these long flights, she keeps the pilots happy... and visiting members of course.”

Emboldened by references to Nusquam’s indoctrination and the girl’s skills, Linda gives the command to turn again facing her. A free hand moves to the inner thighs. A quick evanescent brush of her fingers brings a moan of joy, suggesting acceptance of an otherwise brazen grope. Then Linda’s fingers move higher, kneading the outer labia.

“Trimmed and not an iota of stubble. Waxed nicely.”

“Laser removal. Permanent... her entire body. When relegated to regular servitude at the enclave, her head will be shaved as well. The Nusquam subjugants are made glabrous. You’ll learn that no funds are spared in conditioning them for servitude. The best medical care, grooming... even the food... though lacking taste... is highly nutritious. The subjugants live long healthy lives of torment... physical and emotional. It is best for them. Judy here just wouldn’t feel comfortable without her bindings... chained and hobbled... isn’t that right Judy?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

Linda notes that the tray quivers, her touch fomenting an apparent lustful reaction.

“She’s randy. Wet and getting wetter,” the fingers becoming more brazen in slipping within the pink folds of the girl’s sex.

Linda smiles as the thighs part in welcome, straining the short hobbling chain. Yes randiness, the girl is in need.

“Strict chastity... though a girl will occasionally be publically masturbated for amusement. There are specially trained guard dogs roaming the compound. Unauthorized touching is dealt with harshly. I had to learn to treat dog bites.”

The co pilot exits the cockpit, signaling Kelly to close the windows, the jet nearing land. He smiles in seeing the plight of flight attendant Judy... naked, bound and being fingered.

“Sorry, Kelly, you know the rules.”

Kelly nods and lowers the shades.

“This is a boring segment of the flight... windows closed until landing. Judy will keep you amused, particularly if you have not before fisted a girl. She both squeals and squirts.”

Chapter Fifty-One

Kelly notes that her old friend Linda Rankin acclimates quickly.

Having suggested that no one other than herself and the Director are aware of her law enforcement background, also reminding her that Nusquam is well outside the jurisdiction of United States law, the duo stroll the grounds of the enclave, Linda mentally free of her obligation... to protect, defend and enforce the American justice system. Though hot, the weather is to be enjoyed. Also to be enjoyed, the libertine antics of members and subjugants.

Very much aware of Linda’s secretive home life... her houseboy... a neutered male kept naked... caned and fanny fucked with a double dildo... Kelly’s intuition proves to be correct. That stepping from her role as a deputy U.S. Marshal, the aura of Nusquam would prove entertaining... if not outright enticing.
