Page 20 of The Entrapped

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“Why there? We can engage him anywhere.”

“My latest little strumpet,” Ramona Cortez replies.

She lays before her ravishing yet vigorous compatriot the latest photos. Maria picks them up and examines, smiling evilly.

“Well there’s a penis... barely... but otherwise...”

Ramona smiles.

“One of my better transformation efforts, wouldn’t you agree? Lives in New York. Name’s Warren. It was Robert Warren... Renee Warren. And the psychological counseling is beginning to surpass the results of his physical alteration. We now have a very meek and obedient little girl. Quite receptive to performing fellatio.”

“You spend a lot of money, Ramona.”

“No... I invest a lot of money,” the shapely woman of some thirty five years responds.

She stands, extending her arms, inviting the embrace of Sapphos which begins... and ends... every evening in bed. Buxom, the muscular chest of Maria Sanchez seems to perfectly fit. She steps forth, the two forms osculating in a lover’s embrace.

“Escobar... he’s dangerous,” Maria forewarns.

“He has cash,” Ramona counters.

“He’ll be wary.”

“He has needs.”

“As do you,” a smiling Maria feeling Ramona’s hand gently squeezing her buttocks in their private signal for intimacy.

“Mr. Feeldoe?”

“The only man I’ll ever love.”

Maria knows to bend, unraveling the straps of her boots. Not stylish, such are remnants from the many years serving in Special Forces. Meanwhile the buxom Ramona stoops to remove her own boots... knee high... chic... shining black leather.

“Will it be worth it?”

“Feeling your deep penetrating thrusts?”

“No. Toying with Escobar,” Maria giggling with the unintentional double entente.

“We won’t toy. We may in fact accomplish what many government authorities have been unable to do.”

Clothing is shed. The women prefer each other without a shred of covering. Within moments they embrace again, the nipples of the finely shaped breasts of Ramona firmly pressing the rock hard muscled chest of her lover. They kiss. Tongues entwine. Maria pushes. Ramona topples to the bed. Maria follows landing atop.

These are the few moments when Maria takes charge, working to bring Ramona to a lather, her muscular right thigh firmly pressing between the more soft gams of Ramona, turning her warming sex to a cauldron. When she feels abundant wetness she knows it is time for the welcomed tease.

“Mr. Feeldoe is watching and is begging for a threesome,” Maria humorously suggests in withholding further efforts.

Such tantalizat


“So let’s make it a threesome.”

From a nearby drawer the notorious double dildo is urgently withdrawn. Maria presents it and a now submissive Ramona passionately licks to moisten. Then hands accept it to work the female end into her lovers nest. As Maria absorbs the initial wave of pleasure, the clever mass of rubber filling her vagina, Ramona assures it is encased firmly enough to offer the deep penetration which so thrills her. Then Ramona’s parts her thighs in invitation. Knees rise to greet the fabulous mammary glands, invitingly spreading open her folds of pinkness.

Fingers of Maria’s left hand splay the entrance to Ramona’s portal, the male tip is aligned then glides inward to earn a guttural moan of ecstasy. A long late afternoon of copulation begins.

“When will we have enough?” Maria inquires.
