Page 45 of The Entrapped

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I lower my gaze and nod in agreement. The penis thing is problematic, the cable tie tugging constantly to remind me it’s there... yet when I free it, it either flops about sans underwear or makes a telltale bump in the front of my panties. Neither is welcomed.

What’s this ‘girly boy’ to do?

Sergeant Kelly senses my glumness. The hormones constantly affecting my thinking, I tell myself. I have not before had difficulty making decisions, trouble doing the logical thing. I need guidance. She seems to sense that. I am grateful.

“Got something for you,” she announces with enthusiasm. “Go get some hand cream.”

I jump to my feet, naked toes pattering to my bedroom, returning with a jar of stuff that makes my smooth skin moist and even softer. Meanwhile Sergeant Kelly retrieves a hideous looking lump of rubber from her pocket.

“Visited one of those seedy sex shops we keep our eye on,” she explains. “Got a nice butt plug for you. Notice the shape?”

My eyes widen in apprehension. I suppose it will fit. All types of bumps and ridges, the carved conical shape tapering to where it appears my rectum will hold it in place. Sergeant Kelly takes the jar, opens and slathers.

“We really need to keep that prostate in condition,” echoing the words of Nurse Sueann. “Come, across my lap. Head down, part your thighs for me.”

I scramble to assume the demanded position, finding that pressing my nakedness against her warm thighs feels good. I feel the fingers of one hand splay my plump cheeks. Then the tip of the monstrous lump begins to glide up and down my crevice, spreading the hand lotion.

I gulp in concern, but then I recall the only faint pleasure received at the hands of a woman... the bi weekly fluid samples extracted by the imposing Nurse Sueann.

“And in we go,” a laughing Sergeant Kelly proclaims as my tight, rarely challenged sphincter is made to yield.

“It’s too tight, Sergeant Kelly! Too big!”

“Relax. Stop whining little girl. You’ll get used to it. And we’ll move on to bigger and bigger sizes... you’re going to be one popular little girl.”

She is correct of course. As I learn to relax my muscles there, the pain of the tension eases. Noting that I calm, she pats my buttocks and rubs. It is a rapturous feeling. Finally, all squirming curtailed, she gently pushes me from her lap.

“Walk for me. Be a good girl. Work it in nice and deep for me.”

I do and feel the well designed shape wield its magic. With each step it feels like Nurse Sueann’s fingers have returned. The footfalls bring a smile... and Sergeant Kelly notes the reaction.

“Too much neglect back there, Renee. Though you’re a girl... thinking... acting... and presenting yourself as such... you need to take care of your male gland.”

I begin to prance in happiness. Sergeant Kelly beckons. I approach and she brings out her pocket knife. She wants to see my penis... and she shall. I pause, careful to remain motionless as her hands work between my thighs. The frightening sharpness quickly slices the cable tie and my unimpressive three inches dangles in view. Sergeant Kelly smiles then takes the tip between thumb and index finger to gently pinch and diddle.

Then her hand retreats and she shows me the slickness, the anal insert spurring the flow of ooze.

“There now... that’s better. So nice and soft for me. Walk some more. I want to see it flop about. Lift your knees for me nice and high. Yes, that’s a good girl.”

Yes, I enjoy being under control of a governing woman... and entertaining... and pleasing.

“To the kitchen, more wine,” handing me her glass and patting my right cheek.


Tame stuff, but needed I suppose, thinking about last night’s antics as I grind away to shuffle about the papers on my desk. I was and am once again being acclimated, I realize.

Toward evening’s end, Sergeant Kelly noted the cheap earrings, expressing disappointment that I was not wearing the ‘gift’ of my plastinated gonads.

‘If you don’t feel good wearing them, then let’s get you some nice pretty ones. Something real.’

I gushed with the thought, telling her of the pair of pendants seen in Tiffany’s window. And of course that I could never afford such.

‘We’ll see. I think you’d like to earn some fine jewelry. You’ll both feel good and look even prettier.’

The phone rings again, ending my thoughts. The ancient clock tells me it is Sergeant Kelly. She calls while on her afternoon break.

“Let’s go out tonight. Meet me downstairs at 7:00 p.m. Look pretty and be naked...nothing... not even shoes.”
