Page 51 of The Entrapped

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Why would I think this would be without emotional trauma?

We enter. Since it is Tiffany’s attention is immediate and detailed. A man in his fifties introduces himself to Sergeant Kelly. He assumes me to be a minor, thus focusing on the adult. I am given to blurt out that every dime of expended cash will be from my earnings! Yet I know to remain silent. Little girls don’t talk to men in big important stores.

“Earrings. I’d like to look at the largest, most ostentatious pair you have... for little Renee.”

The man is not impressed with the choice of words. Nothing offered at Tiffany’s is ‘ostentatious’. He is also not impressed with the manner of my dress. Probably agreeing that any jewelry on such an audaciously attired strumpet would indeed appear unwarranted.

“If you can join me in a private room, I can show some very favorably priced items...”

“Price is not a consideration,” Sergeant Kelly understanding that the man does not want me seen in the store. I can assume with reasonable assurance that the wealthy and notable are not invited to a private room... Tiffany’s preferring to have them display themselves to impress the lesser clientele.

“Of course. Any preferred range?” he inquires as he ignores Sergeant Kelly’s rebuttal and leads to the private room.

“$10,000 to $15,000. In cash. Plus we’d like to negotiate a trade.”

Not uncommon in the jewelry business... but what have we to trade?

The ‘private room’ is small and windowless... austere... four chairs about a table, a modest mirror on the wall. Nothing more. I assume the bleakness is part of security. And sure enough, the salesman asks Sergeant Kelly to hang her bag on a wall hook... well out of range of possible legerdemain while examining precious jewelry.

We are seated. Then he steps out and returns with trays of glimmering gold and diamonds.

I am giddy. Months ago I would be perplexed... not understanding my reaction. I still don’t fully understand my reaction. But now I accept it. Estrogen!

Sergeant Kelly holds some of the larger, gaudier baubles to my ear, pointing to the mirror. I begin to once again blush as I admire.

I look so pretty!

We take our time. The salesman is patient. Finally there is a pair of interest... to Sergeant Kelly. Long slim, dangling well below the cut of my page boy, diamond encrusted, tiny golden gewgaws decorate the bottom and ring incessantly. Such are annoying... and indeed render the overall design ostentatious.

“These will do. I like to hear the little girl when she moves about.”

I pout. I sulk. Sure to be expensive, yet the earrings appear as something drawn from a carnival game of chance.

“$11,000,” the salesman announces... more of a forewarning.

Sergeant Kelly nods.

“Acceptable... and agreed... as long as we can find something more practical for... well she has an intimate need which I believe can be fulfilled by Tiffany’s.”

The salesman nods, leaving the selected items in plain view on the table while stowing the remaining trays and pushing such aside.


“I am sure you’ve seen your share of body jewelry over your career.”

The man somewhat squirms, yet is not completely uncomfortable with the subject matter.

“There is indeed a propensity of late to pierce and decorate certain anatomical areas which are not generally displayed, yes.”

“Well, we have a deal on the earrings... I’d like to acquire one more item. And I want it to chime... perhaps more robustly than these,” Sergeant Kelly picking up and shaking my earrings.

“Yes, I think I have just such an item. Purchased mostly for the treasured family pet... for the collars of dogs and cats.”

The salesman arises, taking the many trays and leaving behind items he assumes to be sold. When he steps out, Sergeant Kelly smiles, gesturing for me to stand. She removes the bulky cubes of Lucite from my ears.

“These are mine for now. A trade. I like the idea of carrying your little balls with me.”

She attaches the new earrings and I smile pridefully. Then I will never cease to be amazed at how quickly I can be brought to nakedness. Remaining seated, her hands reach, grasp my tube bottom at the hips, pull to expand and loosen then draw downward with noted rapidity.
