Page 4 of Ship of Remorse

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She twisted her right hand the thumb of which began to touch my exposed clitoris. Another finger penetrated my vagina. She began to work all her fingers most vigorously, pressing firmly and gyrating her thumb. I was being masturbated!

In a well lit room. By this huge handsome blond women. Before the saucy irritating young nurse. Spread obscenely open. Exposed to a video camera. I began to moan. I fought the building pleasure and desperately I tried to close my thighs. Then I felt her fingers hook upwards within my vagina and knowingly massage that magic spot. I climaxed.

Yes, and as usual, I vocally celebrated my orgasm with cries of ecstasy. It did feel good. Despite the humiliation and being forced to give a demonstration of my feminine pleasure for the enjoyment of the young nurse and for the benefit of the camera, I was satiated.

“Good girl.”

I turned my head and closed my eyes. The climactic release made me instantly bashful. I could not look at the doctor and nurse.

I heard things being moved about and Dr. Helga talking, but otherwise I was in a different world. And then the room began to vibrate and I detected motion, however slight.

The ship was moving!

“Take the usual measurements, Inga. Then give her a bath and a thorough enema. I’m going to have this little strumpet for dinner.”


Chapter Four

After Dr. Helga left, Inga, the annoying young nurse, turned to me and smiled evilly. I imagined if spiders could smile, flies would be so greeted upon becoming entrapped in the web.

“We have a special room for cleansing,” she announced with combined pride and joy in her thick Scandinavian accent. “Eventually you will learn to like it there.”

By inference, I had to assume that initially I would not. The ominous manner in which Dr. Helga ordered my bath and enema gave me a hint. But I was more concerned with the movement of the ship than my near term perils with Miss Sponge Bath. And then there was the reference to dinner...

I finally asked about the engine noise and movement, ignoring the mandated silence.

“Tsk. Tsk. You didn’t read your papers? We’re headed down the east coast, then for South America. A long, slow voyage while you and the others bring the babies to term. All will be taken care of. We’re very good with this sort of thing. But you will remain quiet. Those are the rules.”

With her reminder, she had released my feet and was standing by the door waiting. I arose from the examination table. It was obvious that wherever I was going, I was going without clothing.

In retrospect, I believe as I stepped out into the hallway I was in a state of shock. I was being kidnapped!

My mind raced as we proceeded down the hall. Naked, I needed a reminder to keep my hands atop my head. There were too many thoughts converging. My clothes were gone. And even if I had the temerity to bound away without covering, where would I go? Assuming I could make it to the deck or an open hatch, would I really jump? Swim naked in New York harbor in the middle of October? Pregnant!

Nurse Inga seemed to read my thoughts.

“I should mention that one of our agents, Carl, has visited your hotel room. You’ve been checked out. Your bill has been paid and all your things are in storage. Dr. Helga thinks of everything. When we’re through with you, all will be returned... without charge for storage.”

Apparently I was supposed to feel grateful. I didn’t. Scared. Embarrassed. Bewildered. But not grateful.

The hallway was understandably narrow, space aboard a ship being a premium. Thus, I walked behind Nurse Inga. Over her shoulder, approaching from the opposite direction was a man! Dressed in a grimy red shirt and worn jeans, he was otherwise virile and most handsome. I paused. There must be some place to duck and hide, I asked myself. I did not want to be seen completely naked and being led about like a pet.

Nurse Inga turned back and looked at me as I hesitated.

“You’ll have to get used to sharing space with the crew, Alexi. The professional staff is female. But we do need experienced sailors to manage the ship. It’s rather large and many duties require much more muscle than a woman cares to use.”

As she spoke, Nurse Inga stopped and stepped against the wall to allow the sailor to pass. I did likewise, but when I moved my hands to cover myself received a warning glare from my caretaker. I slowly moved my hands back, completely exposing my breasts as the handsome, rugged looking man turned his broad shoulders to the side to provide room as he walked by.

“Another new one, Inga?”

There was a degree of knowing mirth in the tone of his voice, and when he was directly abeam, he paused, reached down with both hands and palmed my breasts.

“Dr. Helga always finds the best. She is amazing.”

I expected Nurse Inga to protest. To protect me and my nudity. To admonish the gruff sailor for his impertinence. Instead she said nothing and seemed amused by my reaction as the sailor laughingly moved onwards.

“You’ll learn here that the crew members are sacrosanct. You will obey them just as you’ll obey the professional staff. In time I think you’ll soon find their touch to be pleasurable. But you’ll discover that for yourself.”

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