Page 29 of A Gift From James

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Eve let out another ‘Yuk’, but took the time to record my wet hand and the dribbling remnants of my ejaculation.

I often wonder if she understood, at the time, what had happened. In school, the girls were taking separate health courses and there was a prevailing rumor among the boys that the curriculum included detailed discussion of the reproduction system of boys. And indeed, but for the verbal exclamation, she was undaunted by the seemingly strange white mucous which initially shot out in an arc to form a small puddle on the impacted soil and moments later turned to a drool which slithered down my right hand.

So she remained and clicked away as my penis shrank and I felt a new and heightened sense of shame and humiliation. Her last shot was of my reddened face and sheepish look of embarrassment.

Then she picked up my pants, threw them up onto the garage roof, and merrily skipped away with the photographic chronicle of my first ejaculation.

I was left naked from the waist down. After a minute or two to recover my energy, I stealthily climbed a nearby tree, reached over to the garage and retrieved my pants.

As I dressed, something told me my life would never be the same.

Deep down, there was an unexplainable sense of enjoyment in performing for Eve, however wrong it was. But I again rationalized, perhaps all too conveniently, that I had no choice but to obey. And even at age 13, I had the sagacity to realize that, with her pictures, Eve’s demands would soon become relentless. And after that morning, indeed they did.


The train is speeding through the Wisconsin countryside. James hangs most docilely and I feel my sex drive slowly simmering. The movie ends and I found it to be well done. Watching the dominant Greek Goddess work her naked charges then glancing over to observe my helpless, naked and erect James gently swinging in harness adds quite a dimension to my arousal.

The shades are drawn up and on two occasions the train slows to pass through local stations. Some folks waiting for commuter trains seem to gape, but it is difficult to determine whether it’s the site of the nineteenth century rail car or my well-bound traveling companion that draws their attention.

My fingers slip between my thighs and gather the moist evidence of my enjoyment of both the movie and his delicious submission. I move to my harnessed plaything and tenderly apply a fragrant coating to his lips and nose treating him to a sampling of my arousal. He stirs and licks my hand then thrusts his hips forward in a vane attempt to frottage his erect penis against my skirt.

I decide it’s time for the parachute. Alice wants has scrotal sac stretched a little. James brought the simple device from the bedroom and the leather strap with attached cords is easily secured. With James’ penis standing out of the way, it’s just a matter of drawing the testicles down and encircling the top of the sac with the short strip of leather. Then the cords hanging beneath need to be gathered and an appropriate weight attached. For James, I rig a small cloth basket into which I can casually toss various objects to increase the weight. I start with a cocktail glass from the bar. After placing it into the net, it occurs to me that a simple method to add weight would be to fill the glass with water. Easy enough.

He takes to the parachute well. In the mind, the pain and discomfort apparently homogenize with the input from the subliminal message. Thus, other than an initial groan, James remains docile, despite the weight hanging from his precious organs.

Yes, I conclude, I’ll open him up before dinner. He’s been good. And in another hour, the subliminal message tape will have run out. He’ll then be ready to accept whatever I wish to give. I’ll have him dangle atop the man spreader and give him a good reaming, a suitable follow up message.

After an hour or so the Champagne takes its toll and I sleep, curling up on a nearby couch and drawing over me a thoughtfully placed afghan. I cannot help but pleasantly dream. The world is a subservient oyster named James, and what a pearl I found within.


The suggestive voice again calls out from afar, barely perceptible within the static. I listen intently. Whatever it is saying, I want to learn since it’s D’s voice. And with the scent of her sex on my nose and mouth, I settle into my bonds, listen and inhale the pleasant aroma of the woman who owns my soul.

Then Eve steps into my reverie. Another mental return to my adolescence begins to unfold. This time it is late afternoon. School is out and as stated I try to avoid Eve. Her increasing power frightens me, although with puberty, I find myself masturbating constantly to thoughts of her and the strange trips to the back of the garage.

She is not in any of my classes so most times I can evade her by leaving the school building through a little used door and walking a circuitous route home. Usually these precautions serve to successfully avoid her. But on this occasion our paths cross. I recall pondering at the time whether she had long known of my unusual departure route and, when the desire to confront me arose, merely waited for me to walk into her trap.

So there she stood outside as I carefully pushed open the rarely used exit door.

She looked radiant as ever, not experiencing the pains of puberty as with others our age. Her aura did not suffer from the awkwardness that inflicted so many of our classmates. Her complexion was clear and her breasts were beginning to develop in a most attractive manner. Unlike her peers, her body had filled out with neither the plumpness nor the disproportional growth of limbs so prevalent in the early teens.

She displayed that infectious smile which adults found charming, but her acquaintances knew masked a remarkably devious 13 year old mind.

Thus, I could not help but find her alluring despite her duplicity. I often compared my attraction to her to be akin to my thoughts of the local amusement par

k roller coaster. The mind recollects the ride as pleasant. But in actuality it was scary.

So it was with Eve. And on this day, as she beckoned with her finger, my level of anxiety was similar to sitting in the front seat of the roller coaster as it was slowly drawn up that first high incline. It is ironic that the view is best just before the precipitous, stomach churning fall.

“Mom’s taking my sister to get new shoes. No one’s home and I have some pictures to show you. You may carry my books.”

It was not a suggestion. I humbly joined Eve for the walk to her house.

As stated, she lived near my home. Therefore no one would question our fraternization. But I began to tremble, fully cognizant that association with Eve always involved her extracting whatever she desired. And what she desired invariably meant my engaging in some bizarre activity designed for her pleasure and my extreme embarrassment.

But was I trembling from fear or excitement? The anticipation of her first demand?

When we turned the corner and stepped onto Eve’s street the inevitable occurred. My young penis began to harden. I moved the books lower in my arms, hoping to cover the telltale bulge, but Eve knew all too well what was happening. After all, it had been some two or three years with many strangely libidinous rendezvous since that first fateful encounter in the mink cage.
