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I wince at the word propose. That’s what will happen if I don’t find a way out of this. If my plan fails, it will end with Killian proposing to me. It’s not that I wouldn’t want to look at a handsome man like Killian for all of eternity, but he doesn’t want to look at me in return.

“I propose that you find a new company that will make you CEO because that current position is already taken.”

“By whom?”


He laughs, hard and uncontrollably. And then he laughs some more while I sit in my seat, frowning. When he finally stops, he seriously looks at me. “You can’t be serious?”

“I am.”

“You can’t make a decision to save your life. You can’t even choose what you want to eat in a timely manner. You have no skill set. You don’t have a college degree. The only thing you have going for you is…”

“That I’m beautiful.”

“No.” His eyes meet mine. “I was going to say that you’re family.”

I shake my head. He’s wrong about that one. Granddad doesn’t care that I’m part of the family. He already thinks I will make a terrible candidate for CEO even though the company has been passed down to members of the family for three generations now. He’s only willing to pass it down to my husband. My beauty is the only thing I have going for me.

“Well, this should get interesting. But go ahead and try. This week is going to be amusing.”

“I will.” I stand from the table while digging into my purse to throw some cash on the table.

He grabs my arm again, keeping me from walking out. He pulls me close to him so that he can speak into my ear, but this time, there is nothing sexy about the move. “And when you realize what a mistake you’ve made, call me, and then I can work out a real plan to save you from marrying an arrogant, bossy ass like me,” he says, repeating the names I called him earlier. “Because trust me, princess, nobody wants that.”

“I don’t have…” That’s when I remember I already have his phone number.

“Although you should probably change the name in your phone to arrogant, bossy ass. I kind of like that.” He winks at me.

I pull away from his grasp and run out of the restaurant. He’s right. I don’t want to marry him, not now after that conversation we just had. I wouldn’t marry him if he were my only choice.

I just don’t know which choice to choose. One, marry Killian and be everything my family has always wanted. Two, refuse and be shamed by my family forever. Or, three, convince my grandfather that I can run the company—just like my father, just like my grandfather, and just like my great-grandfather. I’m just not sure which one to choose. The only one I’m sure I don’t want is the first option. I don’t want to marry Killian.

“Really?” I ask into the phone.

“Yes. Your grades were high enough that you could graduate without making up your final exams. Of course, if you would like to make them up, your last semester grades would improve.”

“No. The grades can stay as they are.” I release a sigh of relief.

“Okay then. We will mail you your degree. Congratulations, Ms. Felton.”

I end the call as I hear the door open to my bedroom. I turn and smile at Scarlett.

“Hey, bitch,” Scarlett says as she makes herself at home on my bed.

“Hey,” I say, shaking my head at her words. “Are you all moved in?”

Scarlett sighs. “No. The movers are impossible. They have been at my new house all day, and they’ve only moved in half of my stuff. They said it would take them another day to finish. So, I’m stuck at my parents’ house for another night.”

“I don’t know how you’ll survive,” I say sarcastically.

“You really have no idea how bad it is. All I hear about is how I don’t have any jobs lined up. I don’t have a serious boyfriend. What am I going to do with my life?” She sighs again. “It’s exhausting. I don’t know how you can stand to stay here. Why don’t you find a house or at least an apartment to move into?”

I glance at Scarlett, who is now flipping through the papers Granddad gave me. I walk over and snatch them out of her hands.

“Those were boring anyway.”

I shake my head. “I’ll move out soon. I just haven’t put much thought as to where I want to live.”

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