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I take my phone out to call my grandfather, to tell him to meet me earlier, that it can’t wait. I dial his number, but I get his voice mail. I end the call before I leave a message. That’s when I notice the messages from Killian.

There are three text messages, asking why I left this morning without talking to him, telling me that we need to talk, telling me what to do.

I also notice the seven missed calls and two voice mails from him. I delete the voice mails without listening to them. I don’t want to hear what he has to say. If he couldn’t say it last night before fucking me, then I don’t want to hear it now.

I pace back and forth thirty-five times in my father’s office before I hear the familiar creak of the door being pushed open. My grandfather is standing in the doorway. He doesn’t look happy to see me, but I don’t give a shit.

I can’t wait any longer, and the words fall from my mouth. “You made Killian CEO!” I shout at him.

He calmly walks in, setting a briefcase down on the desk. He doesn’t say anything or even acknowledge me as he takes a seat behind my father’s desk.

“You made Killian CEO,” I say again, only slightly calmer.

He sighs in frustration. “Yes.”

“I thought he had to marry me first. I thought it had to be agreed upon between the three of us.”

“He did. He signed the papers yesterday afternoon, agreeing to marry you in six months. So, in good faith, I promoted him to CEO. He doesn’t have the shares yet. That will happen after the wedding.”

“What if I don’t agree to the wedding?”

“You will. You don’t have another choice. This is what is best for you.”

“No, it’s not. I don’t want this. I don’t want to be married to a man who doesn’t love me. I don’t want to marry someone just because you wished I were a grandson instead of your granddaughter. I won’t do it.”

“Kinsley, stop this. You will marry Killian. He’s a good man. And I know he cares about you.”

“You’re wrong. He doesn’t give a fuck about anything other than his work and finding his next good fuck.”

His face turns red at my words. I take a deep breath, realizing what I just said to my grandfather. I’ve never cussed in front of him. I’ve never talked so crudely.

But, right now, he’s not my grandfather. He’s the enemy.

He calms his face before walking over to stand in front of me. He places both hands on either side of my shoulders. “This is what your father wanted, princess. He wanted you to marry Killian. He wanted you to support Killian in the role of running the company. He wanted you to have children to pass this company along to—just as my father did, just as I did to your father, just as your father is doing to you.”

I feel a tear slip out of my eye. “But that’s not what my father is doing. That’s not what you are doing. I’m not getting the company with the same conditions as you got the company with or the same conditions as my father got. I’m being forced to marry someone, and only then do I get any say in the company. I’m not getting the same terms.”

He smiles, like he thinks he’s got me now, like he thinks he’s won. “See? That’s where you are wrong, Kinsley. You are getting the same terms as everyone else in the family. We all had marriages that were arranged by our parents. We all had marriages that were for the betterment of the company.”

I frown as his words sink in. His words can’t be true.

“That’s not true. Mom and Dad met in college their junior year.”

He shakes his head. “No. Your mother was the daughter of the chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission. We were having some trouble with getting our newest casino approved. Your father fixed the problem, proving his loyalty to the company and to this family above everything else.”

My mouth drops. I had no idea. I always thought my parents were in love. I always thought they cared about each other but maybe not. That might be why my father spent so many nights alone in his casinos instead of at home with my mother. That can’t be true though. My mother was devastated when Dad died. She still is.

“You’re lying.”

He shakes his head. “Ask your mother.”

I plan on it. “It doesn’t change anything. I still won’t marry Killian.”

“You’re stubborn, just like your father. He eventually caved though. You will, too.” He glances at his watch. “You need to go home and get ready. I had a dress sent to your hotel room. I don’t know why you stay here when you have a beautiful room at home.” He sighs. “Be ready at eight tonight. That’s when Killian will be picking you up.”

I shake my head. “I’m not marrying him.”

“Maybe not. But he at least deserves the respect of you telling him to his face.”

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