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She nodded against his arm. "From Wolftown," she answered quietly.

Cursing he stood and began to pace in front of their coffee table. Being so tall it was a short walk back and forth. "What is Fate up to now?" he grumbled.

"You know I'd rather stay here with you, but I can't turn my back knowing my refusal could result in more children dying."

He stopped and turned to her a sour look on his face. "You already said yes haven't you?"

She nodded. "I wouldn't be the girl you raised had I said no."

"Low blow Vivi," he rumbled.

"Will you come with me?" she asked.

His brows snapped together as he frowned. "Of course I'm coming with you! Let you head off to that city of death alone? Ha! I'd like to see you walk out of here without me girly. You're not too old for me to put you over my knee," he threatened.

She rolled her eyes. He had never raised a hand to her. She doubted he would start now. "If we pack right away we could get there by this evening."

Hal stopped his pacing. "You get the suitcases down from the attic, you know I don't fit through that tiny hatch they built. I'll start organizing your clothes. It's a good thing I just did the wash." He bent down easily lifting the clothes laden basket with one hand.

"Yes, Hal," she said smiling.

"In and out. A quick visit. Do not talk to anyone. The sooner we get back home the better. I don't trust that prince, or the vampires, or anyone in that city," he rambled.

"Yes, Hal," she agreed.

He wagged a thick finger at her. "I mean it missy. No talking to anyone."

She fought against the urge to roll her eyes again. "Just the medical team and those organizing treatment efforts, that of course may include the prince, that's unavoidable."

"Fine, just stand behind me when we talk to them," he answered.

Somehow she didn't think it would work like that, but she wasn't about to argue with him. "Be right back with those suitcases."

"Don't forget to pack your toothbrush," he yelled from the kitchen.

"I know!" she shouted back. She stomped down the hall towards the attic hatch. Smiling she pulled the rope and unfolded the stairs. She would always be six years old to her squire, and she wouldn't have it any other way.


"Hello my name is Sulis Vi'Erlondon. I will be your escort to Noctem Falls." The tall blond warrior gave them a half bow and stepped to one side to clear the way for the portal.

"My name is Dr. Vivian Mercy, and this is my squire, Halbjorn Bergson," Vivi said introducing them.

"Ellie is looking forward to your arrival. She and the other doctors have been working around the clock to figure this thing out."

"Ellie huh? Not Dr. Kimball?" she asked.

Sulis smiled. "Grant only makes Doc call her Dr. Kimball. The rest of us call her Ellie. She insisted."

"Who is Doc?" Hal asked.

"Dr. Nathaniel St.John, our resident physician. Evidently, Grant believed he was flirting when introducing himself, so he isn't allowed to call her Ellie."

"Ellie is mated?" Vivi asked incredulously. They had spoken to each other that very morning and she hadn't mentioned anything about having a mate.

Sulis nodded. "They met each other right after she arrived. It seems like the warriors are finding their mates all over the place, don't be surprised if you end up with one of my brothers," he winked at her.

At her side, Hal growled. "She won't be getting mated to anyone," he admonished.
