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“Seventeen months ago I couldn’t have imagined any of it.”

“Neither could I.” Her voice caught just as Pastor Gregson appeared at the front of the church to begin the service.

After welcoming everyone, especially the many visitors, his gaze fell on Jarod. “If you and Sydney will bring your baby forward please.”

There was hushed silence as Jarod took the baby from her so she could get past everyone on the pew. Together they walked toward the pastor.

For a brief moment Sydney wondered if Jarod wished he were officiating at his own daughter’s baptism. But when she dared a quick glance at him, she saw a face and eyes so full of love and tenderness for their child, she realized he had no other thought in his heart.

The pastor smiled at both of them before turning to the congregation. “As most of you know, the Kendall baby was born on Christmas morning. Such a wonderful gift deserves a special name.

“I baptize you Noel Taylor Kendall, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

The ceremony didn’t take long. When the pastor had finished, he said, “It’s not customary for the father of the baby to speak, but in this case, I’m breaking with tradition because I have a feeling Jarod would like to say a few words on this most important day.”

Pastor Gregson just went up miles in Sydney’s estimation.

Jarod’s hand almost crushed hers before he turned to face the congregation. She loved it that he had to clear his voice several times first.

“Sydney and I don’t have the words to thank everyone here for coming. I thought I was happy on my wedding day.” His gaze swerved to Sydney’s. “But the arrival of Noel in our home has brought us infinite joy.”

That’s what he’d told her he’d been after. Ultimate, infinite joy.

“I know I could never have appreciated this moment the way I do if my life hadn’t included my brothers who taught me the meaning of devotion and sacrifice.

“Before God, I pledge my devotion to my family, to my wife, to our daughter. Noel combines the best of the Taylor and Kendall families. She deserves the best that is in me and Sydney who’s the love of my life.”

Sydney bowed her head, too touched by his words to stay in control much longer.

Pastor Gregson smiled. “Lift the baby so everyone can see her.”

Jarod raised their daughter high and showed her off like any proud father. A ripple of oohs and aahs resounded throughout the church interior.

With his hand around Sydney’s waist, Jarod guided them back to the pew where Jarod’s mother reached eagerly for Noel who was now wide awake after so much attention.

A baby.

What power it had to draw family together and help heal wounds.

As Sydney looked into her husband’s moist green eyes, she realized he was thinking the same thing. When Noel was older, what a story her father would be able to tell her about his life’s journey

“I love you, Mrs. Kendall,” he whispered.

“Not as much as I love you, Mr. Kendall.”
