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“That sounds good.”

“How come you came to get me?”

Whoa. “I’m taking a vacation from work.”

“I bet it’s because Claire is going to leave. She said she would after she graduated. Did she get a new job yet?”

His son had been doing a lot of thinking during his ordeal. What to say... “She’s being interviewed by several companies looking for a chemist.” Vic looked over at him. Tears glistened on his boy’s pale cheeks.

“I don’t want another nanny. Aunt Carol said I could live with her.”

If Vic had been shot through the heart, the shock couldn’t have been any greater.

When they reached the house, Jeremy spotted Claire’s car parked in the driveway. “She’s home!” That was joy he heard in his son’s voice. Vic followed him through the living room to the kitchen. Claire was cooking the ground beef for their dinner.

She smiled at the two of them. “I’m glad you’re home. I’ve been waiting for you. If we eat an early dinner, then we can go riding after.” She opened the fridge and handed Jeremy a cold bottle of Fanta Orange, his favorite drink. “Would you like a cola, Vic?”

“Not right now, thanks.”

Jeremy unscrewed the cap and started drinking.

“How was school?”

“It was okay. Nate is still sick.”

“Boy, he really does have the flu. I’m glad you haven’t caught it.”

“I know.”

“After you wash your hands, come and help me chop up the tomatoes and onions.”

“Okay. Be right back.”

Vic walked over to the sink to wash his hands. “Give me a job and I’ll do it.”

Without looking at him she said, “How about shredding the cheese while I cook the tortillas?”

Their little picture of domestic bliss didn’t fool anyone, particularly not Jeremy, who returned in a nanosecond and got busy dicing the vegetables on the bread board. He was good at it. Claire had taught him well.

She set the table and put out some sour cream and salsa. After slicing the avocados, she made a fruit salad and announced that dinner was ready. Vic put the bowl of cheese on the table, and then slipped out of the house to the car to retrieve Jeremy’s backpack.


They both looked up as Vic entered the kitchen.

“My backpack! Thanks, Dad!” He ran over to give Vic the hug he’d been waiting for since the end of school. “My spy kit is in here, Claire.”

“I know. Why don’t we eat first? Then you can get it out.”


When everyone was seated, Jeremy looked at Vic. “Where did you find it?”

“The police got it out of the back of Leroy’s truck, where he’d hidden you.”

“I’m glad he didn’t throw it away.”

I’m overjoyed you’re still alive, son.
