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“That looks good.”

“It is,” Jeremy said and kept eating without looking at him.

Vic smiled at Claire before finding himself a big bowl from the cupboard. She was drinking coffee at the counter. He walked over to the table and poured out a portion of cereal and milk for himself before sitting next to Jeremy.

While he munched on his breakfast, he looked at his son. “Do you know what today is?”

“No,” sounded the deflating, automatic response.

“It’s someone’s unbirthday.”

He heard a laugh escape Claire.

Jeremy jerked his head around. “Unbirthday?”

“Yup. We’re going to go get him and bring him back for an unbirthday party.”

“Dad—are you crazy?”

“Wait till you see him.”

“What’s his name?”

At last Vic had garnered his son’s attention. “I don’t know.”

“How come?”

“He was never given a name.”

“I bet he’s sad.”

His son’s compassion brought a lump to Vic’s throat. “As soon as we finish breakfast, we’ll go visit him.”

“Can he eat cake?”


He turned to Claire. “Can we make him one and take it to him?”

“That’s up to your father.”

“Let’s go see him and we’ll worry about the cake later.”

“Okay. I’m finished.”

Vic ate his cereal down to the last spoonful. “So am I. You ready, Claire?”

“I sure am.”

She sure was...all decked out in jeans and a kelly green top that looked incredible with her coloring.

Jeremy ran for the garage, but Vic called him back. “You’re going the wrong way. Since we’re taking the truck we’ll leave through the back door.” The trailer was still hooked up to it.

“How come?”

“I like to drive it when I don’t have to go to work.”

“I didn’t know that.”
