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“You’re very kind to perform the service, let alone this early in the morning. We’re indebted to you.”

Enzo and Nico moved toward them. “Father? I’d like you to meet Dr. Nico Barsotti. How do you wish to proceed?”

“If you’ll sit by your wife, I’ll ask these two to stand in front of me. Dr. Barsotti, if you

’ll take the right hand of Princess Rossiano?”

Fausta could hardly believe this was really happening. Nico gripped her hand, holding it fast, but her heart was pounding much faster.


“DEARLY BELOVED, Nico and Fausta. Marriage is the most important of all earthly relationships. It should be entered into reverently, thoughtfully and with full understanding of its sacred nature. Your marriage must stand by the strength of your love and the power of faith in each other and in God.”

Fausta believed that to the core of her soul.

“Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud. Love is never haughty, rude or selfish.”

Except that she’d been selfish, but never again.

“Love does not demand its own way. Love is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever truth wins out.”

Truth had finally won out and Nico now had full knowledge of his parentage. Fausta knew the news he’d waited for a lifetime had released him and had made him free.

“If you love someone,” the priest spoke on, “you will be loyal to them no matter the cost. You will always believe in them, always expect the best in them and will always stand your ground in defending them.”

Those were vows she would defend with her life.

The priest eyed Nico. “Knowing what is expected, do you, Nico, take Fausta to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

Nico answered in his deep voice, “I do.”

At that point the priest looked at Fausta. “Knowing what is expected, do you, Fausta, take Nico to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do with all my heart,” she avowed.

A small smile broke out on the priest’s face. “You will now exchange rings.”

Fausta met Nico’s glance before they reached in their pockets. He put the diamond ring back on her finger and squeezed her hand. She followed by placing Enzo’s ring on Nico’s finger with trembling hands. He had to have been surprised but didn’t let it show.

“In as much as you have given each other these tokens of abiding love in the sight of witnesses, then by the power invested in me by the Church, I pronounce you man and wife. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.”

He blessed them. “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You may kiss your bride.”

The short, almost surreal yet perfect ceremony had come to an end.

She was so insanely happy she raised her head to Nico, whose eyes burned with desire for her. He pulled her closer and gave her a husband’s possessive kiss, thrilling her in every part of her being. Fausta clung to his hard, fit body, giving him everything she possessed to show him what he meant to her.

“Every dream of mine has come true,” he whispered before drowning her in passion that filled her with indescribable rapture. “We have two hours before we have to drive home. Come with me.”

Blind with love, she went where he took her. They left the chapel and ascended the staircase to an apartment on the second floor. After picking her up in his arms, he carried her through to the bedroom and followed her down on the bed.

“Mia moglie—” Nico cried against her mouth.

She really was his wife now! They couldn’t get close enough fast enough. No kiss lasted long enough.

“It should be a sin how beautiful you are. Love me, Fausta.”

“That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do since I first laid eyes on you, amore mio. Don’t ever stop loving me.”
