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“I promise,” she whispered. “Kiss me, Dr. Barsotti, or I think I’m going to pass out from wanting you too much.”

“Well we can’t have that. Not in my office.”

His mouth found hers and he kissed her close to senseless. Tears beaded her lashes. Her husband had forgiven her. She couldn’t ask for anything more.

“I have news, bellissima,” he murmured. “This afternoon I had a phone call from Basil. After he reported to the queen, she said that she’d only been testing me to see if I was an honorable man. If I hadn’t passed the test,

that would have been it. But because I loved you more than I loved anything else, she says she wants me to fly to La Valazzura with you.

“Basil told me she’d like to meet the woman who was prepared to put me first if that’s what you wanted for me, even if it meant a divorce. With that kind of unselfish love, she feels you’ll make the perfect queen. I guess I have some serious rethinking to do where the queen is concerned.”

“Darling—the room is spinning. I really think I’m going to pass out.”

“Keep holding on. Don’t faint on me. We need to go home and talk about what we want to do. Our world is out there waiting, whichever one it is.”


THE SMALL ROYAL dining room of the palace had been lit with candles. A fragrance from the pink roses filled the ornate room. Fausta knew her mother had picked and arranged them for this delicious roast pig dinner to welcome Nico into the family. Jeanne, the head chef at the palace, had really outdone herself as a favor to Fausta to honor her new husband with his favorite meal.

Her parents sat at one end. Lanza and Donetta sat across from each other with their husbands. Fausta and Nico had found their places at the other end. Their family had sat around this table all their lives, but tonight everything was different for Fausta. For the first time since she was a little girl, she no longer felt conflicted about being royal and enjoyed a sense of belonging that was new to her.

Falling in love with Nico had changed her perspective on life. She knew a sense of completeness and was so full of joy she could hardly contain it.

Her father tapped his wine goblet with a spoon and got to his feet. “What a glorious sight! Our three precious daughters married to husbands they love and who love them. What father or mother could ask for more, especially when they are the finest men Ginata and I know.”

Fausta smiled at her husband, who squeezed her thigh beneath the table.

“Nico—that’s how we know you—welcome to the family,” her father continued. “Whatever path you and Fausta choose to take, whether you remain Dr. Barsotti here in Domodossola, or Crown Prince Massimo in La Valazzura, we support you and wish you joy.

“Our Fausta followed her dream to marry a commoner. You got your wish, poppet. We got our wish too, because he makes you so happy. doesn’t hurt that he’s the son of King Carlo, a sovereign I always admired.”

While everyone chuckled, Fausta’s eyes filled with tears.

“Ginata and I are content and looking forward to enjoying our Rufy and soon-to-be born grandchildren for years to come. Therefore, we’ve decided now is the time for me to give up the crown. It will be conferred on Stefano, who is Lanza’s beloved and has been my rock since he joined the family.

“The coronation will take place in a week because Enrico must soon get back to Vallefiore to run the affairs of his kingdom. Before he and Donetta leave, we want our whole family together to sustain Stefano as the new king of Domodossola.”

Everyone clapped for Stefano, who hugged Lanza.

When everyone had congratulated him, her father added, “If Nico decides to step in to his father’s shoes, then we’ll all fly to La Valazzura to see his coronation whether the doctor gives me permission or not.”

“Papa!” the girls cried in fear.

Suddenly her mother stood up. “Don’t worry. He may have been in charge all these years, but now that he’s stepping down, it’s my turn to lay down the law and I’m not letting him out of my sight! We’re not going anywhere. If necessary, we’ll watch Nico’s coronation on television.”

Fausta squeezed Nico’s hand before hurrying to the other end of the table to hug her parents. Her sisters got there first.

When she finally turned around, she saw the husbands huddled in one corner of the dining room talking quietly. It thrilled her that Nico was already bonding with his brothers-in-law. As she approached, Nico saw her coming and started toward her. Talk about a blinding light of happiness. Like Fausta, her husband had found peace.

* * *
