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“So if you’re done, find us a piece of paper and pen. We’ve got a lot to do.”

“Like what?”

“We have to put the family to work on a nursery. It isn’t going to decorate itself, and I’m pretty useless with only one hand.” I wave my wrist weakly.

His face lights up as the realization sets in.

“But one more thing.” I sit up as far as I can. “Kiss me.”

“Only if you promise me one thing.” He lowers his voice to a sexy whisper, a sparkle starting to glow in his eyes.

“What’s that?” I scrunch my eyebrows, suspicious of his instant change of heart.

“You can put everyone to work on the nursery, and I’ll oversee the whole thing. But you concentrate on planning our wedding.”

Our wedding… Finally, the cloud has lifted.

“That I can do,” I agree with giddiness in my answer.

This nightmare is finally coming to an end.

Chapter 35


Almost Six Months Later

My mouth crashes down on hers, my lips moving urgently, kissing her deeply and swallowing her whimpers. She has no choice but to grip my shoulders when I thread my fingers through her long hair and massage her scalp in the way I know she loves.

Seconds pass into minutes, but I don’t dare move away, consumed by the kiss. It’s like nothing before. This time, our connection is stronger as I strengthen my hold. She is mine, forever and always—no going back.

There’s a tap on my shoulder, but I don’t stop kissing her, pressing as close as possible. A throat clears beside me, then another, until I force myself to tear away from her and face the man standing in front of me.

The minister tries to hide his smirk but does a poor job and gives up, smiling wide.

“As I was saying, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Bizzy starts to giggle, her eyes shining bright. There’s a loud echo of more laughter from the crowd around us, but I only have eyes for her. Since the instant she walked into sight, holding tightly to her dad’s arm, I had to fight for control. It wasn’t only her beauty that took my breath away, it was her glow.

It’s taken a while, but she is finally Bizzy Bennett and we are standing in the exact spot I kissed her for the first time on this beach. Unlike that time, though, she now knows exactly how much I love her.

I move back in to kiss her again, when a gurgling squeal sounds out. We both turn our heads at the same time to see Brayden bouncing happily in Mom’s lap, reaching for us. Bizzy makes a move to get him, but I hold her in place.

“He wants us,” she tries to tell me, before I brush my lips over hers.

“He can wait. I’m not ready to share you yet, even with him.”

“Shaw, you’re being ridiculous.” She wiggles to get free.

“Warning you now, either you kiss me again and let that child stay with my mom while I properly walk my wife back down the aisle, or I lift you over my shoulder and carry you to our suite, missing the rest of the night.”

She sighs breathily, her lips tipping in a grin. “I wouldn’t want to miss my own wedding reception.”

“Glad you see things my way.” I kiss her again, not caring about our audience. This time, when we pull apart, her eyes are sparkling blue and her lips are swollen. She’s wearing a dreamy expression that makes me want to beat my chest with pride.

I lead her back down the aisle, where the wedding planner whisks us away for pictures as our guests are shown to the ballroom.

It turns into a whirlwind as the photographer motions us around. My stupid ass brothers carry her away, while I’m forced to do shots with my parents and hers.
