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“You three looking for new representation?”

“We were only congratulating the bride,” Joe defends, raising his hands in the air.

They continue to laugh, making Brayden giggle loudly. He punches his little fist at me over her shoulder, and I catch it, shaking it in the air.

“He’s a cute kid, Shaw. Surprised he’s yours.” Perry keeps laughing at his own attempt at a joke.

“Perry, laugh all you want, but remember, your endorsement deals run through me. I think something came across my desk last week about a male enhancement drug looking for a new face.”

His face freezes, and it’s Bizzy’s turn to giggle. Darren and Joe scoff, quieting immediately.

“You’re a tough son of a bitch.” Perry sulks.

Nick and Mathis join us, and Brayden lurches at his uncles. Mathis gets him first, giving me a perfect opportunity to take Bizzy to the dance floor.

The band starts up as I take her in my arms. “I distinctly remember you telli

ng me numerous times you don’t dance, even last year at this same resort.”

“I didn’t enjoy dancing until last year with you. It all changed.”

She blushes, laying her face against my chest. As I lead us around the dance floor, people all around the room watch us and I hold on a little tighter.

“Shaw,” she says, her voice muffled in my shirt. She raises her face to mine, and I stop moving. There’s something written in her expression. Something I saw this afternoon as she walked down the aisle toward me. It’s the glow. No, it’s more… it’s radiance—and it’s stunning.

“What, baby?”

“Thank you. Thank you for all this—” Her eyes start to shimmer.

I wait, my heart starting to race.

“Never in my life did I imagine this was possible. You’ve truly proved that wishes can come true. I’m not quite sure I can put into words exactly what you’ve given me, and thank you doesn’t seem adequate.”

“Bizzy,” I say softly.

“So many times, I didn’t think I was strong enough, but you were the one with the strength.”

“Stop, baby. Stop. It’s me who should be thanking you. After everything I’ve put you through, you found it in your heart to forgive me. It wasn’t me with strength, it was you. The minute you became Lizbeth Bennett, it finally felt real.”

Her face searches mine and a cocky smiles spreads across her lips. “I’m pretty sure it’s always felt real.” Her hand glides between us, stopping on my zipper and massaging through my pants.

My dick strains, rubbing painfully against the fabric. She winks slyly, and it’s all the encouragement I need.

“We are leaving now.” I pick her up and head to the exit.

“Stop, you barbarian! I’m not missing my wedding reception. Put me down.” She slaps on my chest.

“You can’t tease me like that and expect me to hang out with these people when I can have you under me in less than five minutes.”

“Yes, I can. The anticipation will make it so much more exciting.”

I quit walking and look down at her, my heart swelling with more love. “You know I can be persuasive when I have to be, right?”

“Yes, but I also know you’re going to let me enjoy my wedding day.” She chews on her lower lip and flutters her eyes, knowing I’ll never say no to her.

“Tonight should be interesting.” My mind races with all the ways I’m going to fuck her.

“Why is that?”
