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My phone rings with Nick’s ringtone, and I answer with a laugh. “Shouldn’t you be watching films or working out? Sunday’s game may be preseason, but it’s still against the reigning Super Bowl champs.”

The cab driver eyes me curiously in the rearview mirror.

“I know that, but I wanted to check in.” His usually casual tone is filled with worry. “Is everything okay?”

“Sure, why wouldn’t it be?”

“Bizzy’s not answering her phone.”

“That’s because I silenced it this morning.”

“Any particular reason?”

“Yeah, she went over thirty-six hours without sleep and proceeded to get trashed last night. When she finally fell asleep, I took care of her phone.”

“Did you get her a Coke?”

“I had several things delivered before I left and wrote her a note. If she’s not answering, it probably means she’s still asleep.”

“Thank God.”

“Nick, what’s up? Is everything okay with you?”

“Me, yes, but I’m worried about her. Mathis told me about the young kid, Grady. We made arrangements for me to visit him next week after the game. Hopefully, I’ll be giving him the game winning ball.”

“Fuck.” I scrub my hand through my hair. “Did anything specific happen?”

“Not really, but Mathis thinks, with the use of the alternative mixed with traditional medicines, he may have a few months. The goal is to keep him comfortable. Only a miracle will let him survive.”

“Mathis, Claire, and I all think we should wait until y’all get home to share with Bizzy.”

“Agreed. She may not have the timeline, but she knows it’s coming.” I don’t mention she’s known for a while.

“Yes, she needs this time away.”

There’s a brief pause before he asks, “So, she got sloshed last night?”


“She in the mood to dance?” He chuckles, guessing the answer.

“Totally,” I repeat, remembering the feeling of her in my arms as I held her close and guided her around the dance floor. Her hips were pressed tight to mine as she threw her head back smiling. My dick was hard as stone so I had to reposition her several times, but it was worth every second.

“You’re taking good care of her, right?”

“Of course.”

“Sorry, man, stupid question.”

“Nick, you do realize she’s no longer fourteen, right? She’s an adult now and can take care of herself.”

“I know, but she deserves so much, Shaw. You’ll never understand.”

My stomach twists, remembering what Mathis shared and the years I missed of Bizzy’s life. Usually, I’d ask her to talk to me, but I know she’ll never discuss anything that will make her seem weak and vulnerable. She’s a fighter. However, my gut tells me to take this opportunity to drill Nick while he’s obviously concerned.

I’m a son of a bitch, but if it gives me insight into Bizzy’s world, I’ll take it. I’ll take anything. Because if she gives me a chance, she’ll never ever question her self-worth or place in this world again. She’ll live each day knowing how special and precious she really is.

“Nick, make me understand. I’m not trying to betray your trust, but help me out here. It’s been a long time since you were kids with cancer. What am I missing?”
