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“Jeez! You have to stop, or I’ll be a blubbering mess, and I have to get ready for work.” A hiccup escapes as I try to fight back the tears.

“Okay! Okay! I’ll stop. I’ll call you on Saturday to get the details for the game. I love you.”

“Love you, too, Mom. Talk soon.” I hang up and lay my head on Claire’s shoulder.

“You know if Shaw shows up and you’re in tears, he’ll blame me. I’d hate to kick your boyfriend’s ass.” Her own voice is raspy.

“We can’t have that.” I lift my head and look at her, seeing her eyes glisten. “So we better get ready.”

“And by the way, I’m inviting myself to the game on Sunday.”

“Hooker, you’re always invited. You’re the one who turns me down.”

“Yeah, but I’m taking front row seats to the moms. And I can’t wait to see the look on the faces of every woman in that box when they figure out Crenshaw Bennett is officially off the market. There may be tears shed.”

I smile at the thought. For years, I’ve watched the lustful eyes of the women he works with, pining after him the minute he steps foot into the company box. My heart lurches, knowing that, finally, after all these years, he’s taken.

By me…

Chapter 11


The buzzer on my phone rings through my office, and I curse at the interruption. Gail’s not at her desk when I glance up and remember she’s running an errand for me. Whoever’s calling in is being routed through her phone. It’s my first instinct to ignore it until I see it’s the reception desk.

“What?” I bark a little too forcefully. It’s not Angie’s fault I’m knee-deep in contracts.

“Yes, this is Angie in reception.” She pauses, and I assume it’s because I was rude.

“Sorry, Angie, I was in the middle of something. What’s up?”

“There’s a Sasha Crane here to see you.”

My heart drops to my feet, and I inhale swiftly. What the fuck? “Tell her I’m not available.”

“She’s insisting, saying she’ll wait.”

“Take her number and tell her I’ll call her back.”

“I tried that.” She’s full out whispering now, and I hear Sasha talking to someone in the background. “She’s refusing to leave until she sees you.”

“Is she harassing you, Angie? Do I need to call security?”

“No, she’s on her phone. She thinks I’m calling Gail.”

“I don’t have time—”

Angie cuts me off, her voice changing into a more authoritative tone. “Miss Crane? It seems Mr. Bennett has actually left for the day. I apologize for not knowing. Apparently, he had an off-site meeting with a client.”

She lies like a pro.

“I don’t believe you,” Sasha hisses, and the line goes dead.

I hang up with anger brewing inside. That woman is fucking nuts. I should kick my own ass for getting drunk enough to sleep with her.

A few minutes later, Gail storms in without knocking and throws an envelope on my desk. I look up to see her hands planted on her hips.

“Who is this WOMAN?” she seethes.
