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Her hands move to my cheeks, and she pulls up, bringing us nose to nose. “You can be humble to the public. I get that, but with me, let’s celebrate your talent and skill. Today was a big fat fuck you to all the haters of the last week. It was wonderful. You are wonderful.”

“You’re stealing my lines again.”

“Well, get over it and accept it.” She settles back down, keeping her eyes locked with mine. “It’s like every day I fall deeper and deeper in love with you.”

“That’s a perfect reason for you to move in with me.”

Her eyes grow wide right before she screeches, “WHAT?”

“Move in with me.”

“Are you insane? It’s only been a few weeks since I’ve even had shampoo and conditioner in your shower.”

“That was your hang-up, not mine, and I’m the one who bought them. I clearly remember you protesting.”

“It’s way too soon.”

“For who?”

“For anyone who has sense.”

“Today’s win was secondary to coming home to find you waiting for me. I want that every day and every night.”

Her eyes dart nervously around the room, and I can see the wheels spinning in her head. She’s not convinced. The last thing I want is for her to say no, so I decide to take a different approach.

“Three weeks, Grace. I’ll give you three weeks, then we’re discussing it again.”


“No.” I place a finger on her lips. “And know something… I’m not giving you the three weeks to come up with excuses to say no. I’m allowing you three weeks for reasons to say yes.”

“You’re being cocky.”

“You’re being difficult.”

“I’m being reasonable.”

“I beg to differ.”

She quietly glares at me, her eyes full of defiance, sending a challenge.

“Three weeks, Sweet Peach, and we’re breaking your lease. You don’t like it here, we’ll move.”

“You’re not being charming.” She sneers.

“You’ll see that’s exactly what I’m being once you’re moved in. Now, let’s talk about how hungry I am and that victory celebration you promised. I think you mentioned something about new blow job techniques.” I toss the blanket to the ground and roll on top of her. The irritation on her face dies as I smile smugly.

“Tomorrow, brace yourself, baby, because I perform my best when faced with a challenge. And you just issued me a challenge. ”

Chapter 22


“I’m done!” I announce, flinging my hands in the air triumphantly.

“And so am I.” Logan puts his drill and level away.

“We outdid ourselves. It looks great.” I appraise the art display in the entryway, hall, and great room of Mrs. Shields’s home. She’s already started prepping for the holidays, so we were under a deadline to get the install done before Thanksgiving next week.

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