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Declan is running towards us screaming profanities. As soon as he reaches us, his face is red and fuming. Every single male in our group starts laughing, including David and my dad.

“Which one of you fuckers did it?”

No one speaks.

“Who!” Declan screams at no one in particular.

I step towards him, and he grabs me possessively. “Dec, honey, why are you shouting?”

“Because one of these douchebags locked me in the bathroom. I’ve been trying to get out for fifteen minutes.”

My mom snickers and Laurie tries to hide her smile. Even though Declan has my body, Nate still has my hand. My dad is standing beside us, and the officiate is looking at us all like we’re crazy.

“Nate, let go of Raven’s hand.”

“It was one of the best things in my life watching Raven coming down the aisle towards me. I will gladly take an ass kicking for that.” Nate goads him.

I pull my hand back and can’t hold in my amusement anymore. I giggle into Declan’s throat remembering his expression as

he ran towards us. “Baby, it was a joke. I bet no one will ever tell you who locked that door. From the looks of things, it could have even been your dad.” I tell him trying to calm him down. “How did you get out?”

He looks at Laurie, “You have a small mess in the bathroom next to the pool.”

She nods her head and uses her phone to send a message to someone. Then she comes over and explains the rest of the ceremony, and we go through it several times making sure no one has any questions. We go over alternate plans in case we have to move the wedding into the ballroom because of rain.

When we get to the restaurant for our rehearsal dinner, they have given us the entire back half. David is over the top happy with this place. Our photographer floats around the entire night taking candid shots. Several patrons try to come outside, but management stops them. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a few girls about my age taking pictures with their camera phones, and I wave to them to let them know they’re busted.

I make a point to tell Jay and Mike because if they figure out who we are, I’m pretty sure it will be on the internet soon. Declan doesn’t leave my side all night and shields me every time Nate tries to talk to me. Even when we sit down for dinner, Declan chooses the table with our parents. He still isn’t over their little prank.

Max arrives while we are going through the buffet and greets us briefly. Everything goes exceptional until David gets up and starts the speeches. I’m a blubbering mess after he and my dad speak. Both say sweet things about us as children and the people we have turned out to be today.

Robbie talks a bit about how proud he is of me and the depth of our brother sister relationship going beyond just family. He calls me his best friend and you can hear sniffles around the room. I practically tackle him in a hug and see Ember wiping her eyes next to him.

I’m relieved to see Harper stand up, and she states she’s speaking for all my girlfriends. Nate does the same thing for Sayge. When he is done, Declan gives him a hug and pinches his side so hard Nate hisses. He looks at me and winks and mouths ‘it was worth it.’

My hearts starts beating in my throat when Finn stands up to talk.

“I’m the chosen one to talk from all the guys here who grew up with Raven and have had the chance to watch her become the woman she is today. A lot of us have known Raven since she was six years old. Imagine being a twelve year old and having your buddy’s little sister follow you everywhere you go including the bathroom. No joke, Raven used to knock on the door to make sure we weren’t going to leave the house without her.”

Our crowd laughs, and I catch his eye. He grins at me.

“But seriously, it was always a little more fun when Rave was around. She walks in the room, and it instantly becomes brighter. When Raven was in high school, Robbie, Max, and I were already in the Marines. But we made sure that Jimi, Tripp, and Gabe knew to watch out for her. She was about fourteen when we graduated from boot camp, and I can still hear her cheering for us as we marched onto the field. For such a little thing, she’s can scream like a banshee. I think all of Parris Island heard her that day. As most of you know, guys don’t keep in touch the same way girls do. Raven made a point to talk to at least one of us every month to see what we were doing. God, she would ramble on about nothing forever, but we let her because she was so happy.”

“Hey!” I try to break in, and the guys at the table nod their heads agreeing with Finn.

“We wouldn’t change anything about it though. Her crazy group of friends, the dancing competitions, her college days, all of it was fun to listen to. When Robbie and I came home from Iraq, we were in a dark place, but Raven made sure we smiled about something all the time. I’ll never forget the day she met Declan. We were house hunting, and when she told me about him running her over in the park, I laughed. When he showed up on the doorstep a week later, it was only right we make fun of her because that’s what we do. But throughout the last year we’ve all watched her change into a stronger and more beautiful woman. Even though you’ve had your trials, it’s always been obvious that you are meant to be together. I speak for all of us when I say congratulations on starting your life together.” Finn raises his glass in a toast.

“Declan, one more thing, if you ever hurt her, there isn’t a place on this earth you can hide from us.”

Declan gives him a chin lift and takes a sip of his beer. No one else speaks but I go around to all the tables to thank everyone. It takes me a while to get to Finn, but when I do I throw myself into his arms. He hugs me back and buries his face in my neck. We stay like that for a few moments until Max breaks us up.

“Not too late, RJ we can run now. I can get us out of the country quick with some connections I have.” Max tells me.

“Nope Max, I think I’m exactly where I need to be.”

“I think so too.” Finn says and smiles down at me.

