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I tell him we need a chart with chores that each of us takes weekly. Then I tell him about how I worked out a schedule with his sisters.

“Raven, our lives are too crazy right now to stick to a fucking chart. You write down what needs to be done, and we can look it over.” He nuzzles against my neck kissing me lightly.

“Are you even taking me seriously right now?”

“Babe, have you heard me complain one time about how the bathroom is covered in hair? Or how every time we go out, you have to spend half an hour to clean the clothes you went through on the closet floor? What about all the make-up shit on the countertops? I don’t complain because it reminds me you are here in our house with me. So if you want to write down what needs to be done to make you less grouchy, then fucking do it. I’ll make sure to be better about leaving shit lying around.”

Now I feel like a bitch. He always finds a way to turn my complaints around into some way to compliment me.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to start an argument.”

“We’re not arguing, we’re discussing. There’s a big difference. It’s not always going to be roses and rainbows. We’re going to drive each other crazy until we get into a routine. You make a complete list of what needs to be done to make you happy and not feel like a maid and we’ll figure something out.”

He pulls my hands and leads us out so he can drop me at school before going to the studio.

Between classes, I find a place outside the library to sit and work on a few things. This is the easiest place for me to pull the Wi-Fi signal and still be outside. As I finish listing all the things I think need to be done weekly, my phone rings. I don’t recognize the number but answer it anyway.


“Baby Girl!” Finn greets me.


“Yeah, calling from my work phone. Save the new number.”

“Got it! What’s going on? How are you?”

“I’m great. I’ve talked to all the other guys and told them, but I wanted to let you know I confirmed my plans to be home for the entire Thanksgiving week. Clear some room on your calendar for me.”

“I’ll be available any time you want me.”

“Careful, pretty girl, I might take you up on that invitation.” He teases.

“God, I miss you. Have you decided about next semester yet?”

“Not yet, but I’m thinking about staying here a while longer. Tell me about you. I haven’t heard from you since that ridiculous email you sent me with the YouTube attachment. Please tell me Declan is sticking with rock and roll.”

I smile imagining Finn watching that video of Declan on stage with Jason in Vegas. I fill him in on the details of our trip and how my semester is going. I then tell him we set a concrete date for the wedding and make him promise to be here. When Declan told Finn he had proposed again, Finn was incredibly supportive.

I think about the discussion with Declan this morning, and I tell Finn to get his take on it. After all, he is a guy and still one of my best friends.

“Let me get this straight, you picked an argument over the fucking dishes and then mentioned a cleaning schedule? To Declan? The same Declan who was a confirmed bachelor for years?” He’s laughing at me.

“Yes, why is that so funny?”

“That’s fucking hilarious. I wish I could have been there to see his face. Raven, you need to have patience and loosen up a little. Living together is entirely different than what y’all did last year. I know for a fact you don’t like to make your bed, but you did every time he was coming over. You guys are getting to that stage where you’re comfortable and not always trying to impress. You’re used to being by yourself or living with two other girls. We guys are completely different.”

“But you’re not. You’re a worse neat freak than me.”

“That’s because I’m a Marine! I don’t have a choice. That shit’s instilled in me.”

“Okay, you’re right. I’ll back off.”

“RJ, I gotta run.”

“It’s so good to hear your voice, Finn. I miss you. Love you”

“Me too, Baby Girl, me too. Talk soon.” He hangs up.
