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He logs onto his laptop and send me an email. I’ll open it later.

“Baby, you’re coming with us for that interview with the Tennessean. No objections. Then I’m gonna talk to your dad about security.” Declan tells me.

“I think that is a little premature. Let’s release the album and video and then see what happens. I’m pretty sure we can get through the next few weeks okay. For right now, I’m still an unknown. Although I would like to know why people are sending pictures of me to the website.”

“I agree with Raven, let’s see how things go. Besides, I’m talking to James about a few security measures we’re looking at. I have hired two new associates to help me out, and I’m currently looking at three artists that may sign with MJ. I need to have security measures in place for all my talent.” Mike tells the group.

“Okay, we’ll see how this plays out.” Declan agrees.

“So one more thing. I know I originally agreed to personally represent you, but my workload is getting heavier, and I need to push back after the album release. I’ve hired someone to take over your representation exclusively for a while.”

Once again the room is silent. This is not good. The guy’s trust Mike, and he has been so solid and knowledgeable throughout all this. I’m not sure this is going to go over well.

“Before any of you flip out, let me explain the changes. You will still have all access to me, and your new guy will take direction from me. He is already in place and has been learning the ropes for a while. I stole him from his last company solely to work with Sayge.” Mike continues.

“When do we meet this guy?” Nate asks.

“You already have; I offered Jay the job three weeks ago and we had to work through his notice and possible non-compete issues. But since his company never actually promoted him from a Scout, we were able to come to an agreement.”

What? Jay? That’s awesome! I squeal and jump up to hug him. The room explodes with clapping and cheers. Jay’s beaming.

“You hid this from us? Man this is awesome.” Declan gives him a man hug.

“I couldn’t say anything until we came to terms. I had to promise not to go after any of the old groups I worked with for one year. Even though I worked for the event organization portion of the company, they have started a small talent side. To them, I was in direct competition, but Mike’s lawyer found a loophole with the title and promotion thing. So now I am officially an employee of MJ Labels and represent Sayge. I’m going to spending about twenty five percent of my time with him until January to train. I’m going to work with the Marketing group to set up a publicity tour, and Mike’s going to work on bringing new groups to the Label.”

All the guys move in for a handshake, and Mike’s happiness is apparent. Charlie brings in a tray of champagne and the rest of the employees follow her. Everyone, including people I have not met yet, congratulates Jay. Kelly’s in the corner next to another woman sneering at me. I raise my glass in her direction and give her my best ‘told you so’ smile. There’s a look on her face of pure embarrassment, and I feel catty for a brief moment.

“Attention everyone, I want to officially welcome Jay Stevens and Amber Williams to MJ Labels. We play hard and work harder. Our success is because of the people behind the scenes in this company, and I thank you all. Please raise your glass and toast to the newest members of our team.” Mike toasts the air, and we all salute.

The girl Kelly is standing by receives several pats on the shoulder, and I remember earlier Mike mentioning a new PR employee. She smiles over at me, but I can tell it’s forced.

Our group socializes a while more, and Declan offers to take Sayge and Jay out to celebrate. We say our goodbyes and I’m finally introduced to Amber. She is very professional with our introductions and even pulls out her tablet to schedule an appointment with the band to discuss some upcoming press. She doesn’t even flinch when Declan tells her to include me in every meeting. Cooper is going to be the contact for the Tennessean interview. I didn’t look before, but I notice a very pretty diamond ring on her left hand. Thank God.

The rest of our night is full of celebration. Even though I had my problems with Jay, I’ve gotten over them. And in any situation, I know Mike will always have my back.

The only thing bothering me is the picture. It’s a shot taken on top of the Eiffel Tower of Finn and me in an embrace. It can be interpreted as friendly or romantic, depending on how much you know about our story. I sent this to my friends only and know they would never share it. When Declan sees it, he can’t hide the hurt on his face but he doesn’t say anything.

Chapter 28

Thanksgiving at The Hayes


I’m fucking thrilled to have the next three days off. No studios, photo sessions, meetings with the label, or interviews. The last three weeks have been the most exhausting and nerve-wracking of my life. The day after our meeting with Jay we all met at the studio to listen to our music and choose the tracks for the album. We spent eight hours a day for four days but finally agreed on the songs. In the end, we picked out the exact some ones as Mike.

Since we were busy, Raven worked with Amber on some PR items. Cooper got sick of playing phone tag with the reporter from the Tennessean, so he asked Raven to take over the scheduling and ‘just set that shit up’. Even though Cooper and I usually handled all the business aspects of Sayge, it was becoming increasingly hard. One night over several pitchers of beer we came up with a plan. It may have been selfish, but we all agreed that Raven was the perfect person to help get us organized and keep our schedules straight.

She was open to the idea of helping, and she is great at it. So far she has set up a master calendar and keeps us linked through our phones. We had the interview with the Tennessean last week, and it will go to print the first week of December. Raven worked with TJ and had the photo shoot for the album cover at The Steamroom. Even I had to agree the pictures turned out badass. Between playing and promotional obligations, we are all ready for the small break Thanksgiving is bringing us.

Raven’s in the kitchen on the phone with one of her crazy friends. I can’t tell what they are talking about, but I know I’m not going to like it.

“Harper, he’s not going to like this at all but I’ll be there.” She hangs up and I join her.

“What am I not going to like?”

“The girls called NNN tomorrow night at your sister’s house. Since we didn’t get to do it over my break, we’re overdue. And we’re going to celebrate my birthday since Harper and Kendall have to go back on Sunday.”

“Please tell me you’re kidding? We haven’t had a Friday night together in forever.”
