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“Looks like my plans just went out the window.”

“Tell me about it. Rave has been waiting a week to talk to her. We’re in for a long night.”

“At least you get your girl to yourself. Kendall was invited to stay in our room on a rollaway. When I tried to protest, Harper shot me a look that could melt ice. So now the three of them are gonna chat all night long.”

I give him a look that tells him what I’m thinking.

“Dec man, I may have screwed this up. She’s been watching me for years fuck around with girls. I know she’s not a virgin, but pretty close. I have to prove myself to her.”

“Listen man, I know you don’t want details, but Raven was worth the wait.”

“You’re right, I don’t want details. I’ve known her since she was in first grade. Please don’t tarnish my mind.”

I shake my head, and we go play pool while the girls talk. I know when Kendall arrives because of the shrieks. When the band starts in the small bar, I notice how much it has filled up. The girls are talking to different people seated around them, and the bartender is leaning over whispering to Harper. I motion to Gabe whose face goes red, and he hands his pool stick to Cooper. I must give it to him, when Gabe wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her into a kiss, he’s not mad anymore.

“Is this what pussy whipped looks like all the time? You guys are pathetic.” Cooper shoots the eight ball in to win.

“Yep and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

I have to carry Raven to our room. She falls asleep before I can kiss her goodnight.


The ringing of a phone wakes me. Raven groans against my chest and pulls a pillow over her head. We have at least an hour before we have to get out of bed, so I search for the phone before it wakes her completely.

I find it in her jeans and see Charlie’s name on the screen.


“Declan, where’s Raven?”

“She’s still asleep, the girls tied one on last night.”

“Shit, can you tell me what room Harper is in so I can send Brian to Kendall? I’m going to see Blake.”

“Don’t have a clue but it’s under Gabe’s name. Maybe you could text him.”

“I already did and no luck.”

“Sorry, but I’m going back to bed.” I hang up hearing her protest then turn the ringer off knowing she will call back until someone answers her.

I slide into bed and curl around Raven not wanting any space between us. My mind drifts to the show tonight and making sure she is somewhat guarded. I make a mental note to talk to Brian and Gabe. There’s no threat, but I can’t be too careful. We still don’t know who sent that picture from Paris. I also don’t want another scene like last weekend in the bathroom. When I broke through the door and saw Raven holding Sami’s hand in a death grip, I wanted to jump out of my skin. I’m thankful that Ember came and found me.

Raven switches her position and her ass wiggles against my dick, which instantly goes hard. I run my fingertips down her arm until I reach her hand and link our fingers together. Kissing up and down her exposed neck I start humming.

“This is nice.” she says sleepily.

“How do you feel?”

“Fine actually. I think someone took very good care of me last night.”

“I’d like to take care of you right now, but we need to start getting ready.”

“I know, but tell me how you’re feeling about today.”

“The same as I always do. Excited, nervous, happy...all of it. The nerves aren’t nearly as bad as last year, but it’s always a little intimidating with these large crowds.”

“Umm hmm.”
