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I Take Care of You


I look down at the folder in front of me and wait for an emotional breakdown, but it doesn’t come. Finn and Robbie both watch me cautiously. It’s been one week since I found out my mom is looking for me, and I know these two guys have been digging up everything they can on her purpose for showing up.

“Instead of me thumbing through all this, can you give me the details?”

“Records show that your mom got divorced from her second husband two years ago. He filed on grounds of adultery. She’s had the same job as an administrative assistant for the last three years. Records show she’s three months delinquent on her townhome, and the bank is taking action to foreclose. Her car payment is late, as well. Credit cards are almost maxed out,” Robbie tells me.

“So Aunt Chloe is right. This is about money.”

“That’s how it looks, but now we need to talk about Natalie.”

My gut turns at the mention of her name.

Finn starts talking. “Natalie also is broke and living with your mom. She hasn’t held down a job for more than a few months. Looks like she’s currently working as a waitress. Records show she did cash in the investments your dad made for her, and all the money is gone.”

“So, basically, two broke bitches.”

His eyes sparkle and his lips twitch, trying to hide his grin. “Yes.”

“Okay, so now we know. If they confront me, I’ll tell them to go to hell.”

Robbie and Finn exchange glances, and I immediately know this isn’t over.

“What else?”

Robbie sits down next to me and covers my hand with his. “Babe, we have a man down in the area who we asked to follow your sister and mom around for a few days. He’s a trusted PI that we contract sometimes. Old friend of my dad’s, and he was happy to help.

“Natalie’s got a drug problem. Shake, our PI, is going to dig deeper to find out more details. As soon as we know more, we’ll tell you.”

“Your friend’s name is ‘Shake’?”

“That’s what we call him.”

“I’d really like to hear that story sometime. Poor Guy.”

Robbie’s chest starts vibrating with laughter. “I’ll tell him you said that. He’d be inclined to agree. He hates it.”

Finn smiles at me while shaking his head.

> “You guys are really quick.”

“We’re good at our jobs. Finn learned some specialty skills in Paris. He’s going to start digging into more specifics once we get an idea of Natalie’s debt.”

“So what do we do now?”

“You do nothing. You continue to live your life. There’s no doubt your mom is going to contact you again, so we’ll be prepared. In the meantime, we get ready to go to Florida in a few weeks.”

I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. Each day that passes, I get more and more excited for Raven’s wedding.

“Speaking of Florida, I need to get my ticket.”

“It’s taken care of,” Robbie answers.

I narrow my eyes at him. “What do you mean, it’s taken care of?”

“Exactly what I said. The flight’s at two on the Thursday before. I’ll email you a copy of your ticket.”
