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Sweet Molls

The letter was hidden away for so long, I’d forgotten about it until Pike found it. I’d always lived in fear that he was going to walk away when he learned what I’d done, but he didn’t. Instead, he stayed.

I know I’m not an easy person to be with. I’m hard work, so much so that there are times I wonder why Pike doesn’t leave. But then I realize something, in life, in society, we’re told who to love, who to want. There are rules on how you’re supposed to live your life, but Pike taught me that rules are people’s way of holding you back because of their fears.

And I’m lucky that I have someone who’ll happily break the rules with me. Even at times when it gets bloody, and messy, he’s by my side.

Orationis Enim Quod Perierat


Molly is sitting on the table, swinging her legs happily as I look down at the carnage. I could have sworn that her mother and father were here, but the more I come down from my high, the more I think it may have just been a fucking hallucination.

Guess when you want a motherfucker dead, you kill them again, even if they’re already gone, I think with a chuckle.

Sweet Molly glances over at me curiously and I smile at her, shaking my head to let her know that everything is still okay. Jameson clears his throat to remind us that he’s in the room with us and I laugh.

“Sorry, brother,” I say, reaching into my pocket. I pull out the wad of cash I promised him for his services, adding a couple of hundred bucks for his help with putting the dogs down.

“See you crazy kids around,” he says with a nod as he walks out of the room. I smirk at the trail of bloody footprints he’s leaving in his wake and let out a heavy sigh.

“Well, baby girl, you about ready to go?” I ask, holding out a hand to my wife. She hops down from the table with an eager smile and makes her way toward me, taking my hand in hers, interlacing our fingers together.

I lean down and pick up my bat, slinging it over my shoulder as Molly lights a cigarette for me, slipping it between my teeth.

“Thanks, babe,” I say as best as I can. She nods and looks up at me with her adoring eyes and I know that we’ve made the right decision. Even if no one else will ever understand what we’ve done here today, what we did was for us anyway and the world can fuck off instead of judging us.

“Daddy?” Molls asks slowly as I begin to lead her toward the door.

“What’s up, babe?” I question, slipping my hand out of hers and pulling the cigarette free from my lips. I make a slight face at how damp the damn filter seems to have gotten in a mere few moments, then toss it to the floor and stomp it out with my boots.

“Well … I’m just wondering how we’re going to get out of this one,” she says, glancing meaningfully at the bodies.

“Come on, Molls. You know Daddy takes care of you,” I reply with a sly grin. A shiver goes through me and I can feel the remnants of the drug still attempting to hold on to me. No matter what we’ve just done, no matter how sober it almost made me, nothing beats licking those goddamn magic papers. And once they have that vice grip on you, it’s hard to shake off.

“I know that,” she replies chidingly. “I’m just wondering is all.”

I pull her close to me and kiss her forehead before I take another drag from my smoke and click my tongue against my teeth.

“Why don’t you wait for me outside? I gotta do something quick, then I’ll show you how.”

The immediate defiance gleams in her eyes, however, my stern glance back into the most amazing face I’ve ever seen, and she’s complaint. Pouting, foot-stomping, and slump-shouldered, but compliant.

I watch her walk out of the building like an angry two-year-old throwing a temper tantrum, and I grin. She’ll get over it—especially when she sees the little show I plan on putting on for her.

But first…

I drop the bat and get to work.

I grab Mom by her legs and drag her body over to Dad’s, laying her across his chest, forming a makeshift cross of sorts. Once I’m happy with how they look, I take a deep breath and turn my attention toward the ever-watchful idols staring accusingly at me through vacant eyes and I drop to my knees.

I fold my hands together and close my eyes.

I’m not asking for myself; I’m asking for Molly.

I know something, somewhere can hear me and you have to understand that she means the world to me. I’ll kill as many people as I need to in order to keep her safe and you’re just going to have to accept it.

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