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Glaring at her, Jacinda placed the second contact in her eye and then squeezed them shut. “I hate contact lenses. It feels like someone’s burning the surface of my eye.”

“The gold lenses suit you. I’ve got one that’s freaking me out in this eye.” Sayla pointed to her red eye.

I’d done her face half as a beautiful woman, then had made it look like the skin had been torn open to show the metal cyborg underneath on the other side.

“Did we take enough transition footage and photos of both, do you think?” I asked, chewing my lip.

This stuff was fun with a capital F, but it was also time consuming. I didn’t mind doing it at all, but I wanted to avoid us having to repeat it.

“Yup. We’ve all got some on our phones, so together we can do a post for each account,” Jacinda assured me, standing back and looking at herself in the mirror in my bedroom.

“Damn, I’ve got to admit, I look fiiiine as one of these blue devils. Look what this costume does to my ass. And my thighs, hell, any man would want me to wrap them around his waist while he was—”

“We get it,” Sayla snapped, stopping Jacinda midsentence.

It should probably be said that Jacinda was very open about the topic of sex. She discussed toys, positions, porn, lingerie, you name it. She was nowhere near a slut and hadn’t been with a man in the whole time I’d known her, but that didn’t mean the woman didn’t ‘treat herself to orgasms’—her exact words. She just didn’t need a man to do it.

Unphased by the interruption, Jacinda finished her sentence. “While he was drilling into me.”

“Mm,” Sayla hummed, narrowing her eyes at our friend. “Speaking of drilling….”

Jacinda spun away from the mirror and glared at her. “Don’t you dare.”

“How’s Canon Klein?”

It was rare that we got to see Jacinda speechless, and if it hadn’t been for the blue body paint and makeup on her face, I’m sure she’d have been blushing furiously.

Jacinda was half Sri Lankan and one of the most beautiful women I’d ever met, inside and out, but her cheeks put all of our blushes to shame when it happened.

Finally, Jacinda ground her teeth together audibly and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m sure he’s fine. Speaking of men, how’s that cop?”

I stayed silent in the room, hoping one of them would give away details so I could figure out what was going on.

The last I’d heard, Canon and Jacinda had bumped into each other a couple of months ago—literally collided in the middle of the street. He’d helped her up and introduced himself, and she’d just smiled and said bye, not giving him her name back.

Obviously, more had happened since that Jacinda hadn’t shared.

And Sayla, well, I didn’t have a clue what was going on with her or which cop they were talking about. Hell, the only friend of mine whose business I knew was Heidi’s, and she was avoiding Bond Klein like the plague.

Huh, interesting.

Both women would put down their shutters if I asked for an explanation, though, that much I knew. So, being a smart woman, I stayed silent and waited for them to leak what information they knew.

“Which one?” Sayla ground out. “We’ve spent time with quite a few of them, so you’ll have to be more specific.”

Tapping her chin and then grimacing when she remembered her makeup, Jacinda pretended to think about it.

“What’s his name, what’s his name. Damn, this is some different kind of pressure you’re putting on me here, girl. We could call him the hottie, the shiver me vagina timbers cop, the one who growls so much he’d rev your vagina engine to—”

“He’s fine,” Sayla shouted. I was doing everything I could to keep my laughter silent, but man, it was a struggle. “I’m assuming he’s doing just great. Maybe you should call him to find out, though.”

“Ah ha. You know his number!”

Smiling smugly at her—which looked kinda freaky when half of her face had prosthetics and was painted with a realistic metal robot type of effect—she replied, “Sure do. It’s easy to remember, so you won’t need a pen. Ready?”

When Jacinda nodded, Sayla said, “911. Go call him and find out.”

Seeing this escalating now, I sighed. “Right, let’s get these videos done so we can edit and upload them. If we don’t, y’all are going to argue, and then we’ll be stuck in hell.”

Sayla walked out of the room happily, but Jacinda grabbed my arm. “You know she’s got no interest in Alejandro, don’t you?” At my confused expression, my friend shook her head. “It’s Roque she likes, but he pretends she hardly exists.”

“Oh shit,” I breathed, feeling a sort of humming in my brain. “Now it all makes sense.”

“She won’t go near him ‘cause he’s your brother, and he doesn’t even see her.”
