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“A lot of people have dreams of becoming something, but they go about it by posting frantically, and it’s blatantly obvious they’re desperate for the attention. I don’t mean in a superficial way, but in a way that it completes something inside them. When they don’t get it, their mental health takes a hit. Those are the ones who only achieve what they desperately want for short periods.

“These three, they truly enjoy what they’re doing and don’t do it for those reasons, so they’ll likely have this going for as long as they choose to do it. I also don’t see them getting involved in drama or even acknowledging it, and I think people respect and appreciate that about them.”

We were all silent for long enough after Bex stopped talking that she turned around and frowned at us.

“That was… um, deep,” Tabby hedged.

“You haven’t seen that happening? I don’t even go on social media that often, and even I can tell the ones who’ll make it from the ones who’ll crash and burn.”

Frowning, I thought about it. What she was saying was true, but it also made me worry about if that would happen to Delicious Divas. They didn’t post daily, more like once every four to seven days, and there was a massive demand for their videos on every platform. But what would they do if it tanked?

“I see your point. The ones who are frantic only have a following from the drama llamas, though,” Tabby pointed out. “The ones who are waiting for the next dramatic video to go up don’t equate to a solid following. I’ve seen a lot of the comments under the ladies’ posts, and people genuinely like them. Hell, they even have celebrities following them now.”

“Is that a good thing?” I asked, totally confused by where they were heading with this.

“Absolutely. Celebrities won’t follow you if you’re going to embarrass yourself or do something that ends up with the internet turning against you. If you’ve got them in your subscribers' lists, they know you’re solid and find you entertaining,” she explained.

“In my day, we didn’t have different apps where we posted our thoughts and videos on things.” I winced when I realized I’d just made myself sound like Hurst. Then again, the guy had his own accounts that he posted videos on, so maybe I sounded like his dad would have.

“Yeah, but to give you credit, Dad, they were also writing the first draft of the Bible and discovering fire in the building next to your school at the time, so it’s not all that bad,” DB snickered, then something the women did made him burst out laughing.

That something was Jacinda cutting bangs on the mannequin. From the looks of it, she hadn’t meant to, seeing as how they were part of what looked like a mohawk, so I could understand why she was refusing to cut any more hair off.

“No, no, I don’t care what you say. I’ve just cut a mohawk-mullet, you guys. Like it isn’t bad enough that she looks like the weirdest feline love child ever, thanks to the stripes and dots. Now she’s got a mullet with this thing on top.” She curled her upper lip and plucked at the tufts sticking up. “Oh, shit, she’s got a bit of the Joe Exotic thing going on.”

Everyone started laughing apart from me. “Who’s Joe Exotic?”

“The dude from the Tiger King series on Netflix.”


I’d watched two episodes of it and had then forgotten to finish it, but now I could place the name. Admittedly, Jacinda wasn’t wrong about the hair.

“She did it,” Logan said as we watched Evie pull up a chair to start her part of the task.

“She totally did it,” DB agreed.

This time it didn’t matter that I didn’t understand what they were talking about. Nope, not even slightly, because Evie was front and center, beginning to apply the makeup.

The concentration made her purse her lips, puffing them out and making them look like they had this morning after we’d kissed. She was also leaning forward, meaning I could see the top of her bra peeking over the edge of her tank top.

Lace. White lace with black scattered through it, to be precise.

And then Sayla reached over and pressed a button on the machine that delivered the pulses that’d make Evie’s muscles spasm and tense. Each time her hand jumped, I got to see more of the bra and upper swells of her tits.

If this was my penance for what I’d done in my life, I’d take it.

Chapter Fifteen


Sitting back, I cringed at how the mannequin looked after we’d finished.

“We could sell that to a movie set for a horror movie,” Sayla mused as she walked around it to see every angle. “I swear it’d give people nightmares for years.”
