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“It feels fucking amazing?” he offered, making me laugh as he said the words I’d just reconsidered saying. Hearing him growl, I opened my eyes. “Do that again.”

I realized what he meant when he ground against me and tightened my vaginal muscles as much as I could. “That?”

Clenching his eyes shut at the same time that his jaw muscles did the same thing, he shook his head.

“How did I get so lucky?”

This guy was on crack if he thought he was the lucky one.

Lifting my legs higher, I reached down and dug my nails into his butt cheeks on either side. “You need to start moving,” I ordered, then added, “Fast and hard.”

Opening his eyes, he stared down into mine as he withdrew his length halfway, then snapped his hips and thrust back into me. He only did that a few times, though, before he lowered back down onto his forearms and cradled my head between his hands as he moved in and out.

It snuck up on me and happened so quickly that I never had a chance to warn him or even make a noise as I came again. No fingers, no toys, no magic—all of it just thanks to his penis.

As my mouth opened, I had enough time to think about how I didn’t know how much noise would be audible outside, and our neighbor was my kid’s principal. So, to avoid having another six years of embarrassment, I reared up and bit into his shoulder, just in case a scream burst out of me.

“Fuck!” he clipped, and then he was thrusting harder and faster until he groaned, and I felt his cock jerk inside me.

What we’d just done had been hands down the best sexual experience of my life by far, but then he took it to another level again. Like when he’d gone down on me, he didn’t stop what he was doing just because we’d both come. No, he did a slow glide in and out, drawing it out for both of us, like he didn’t want to stop.

But finally, he did, and then he carefully lowered his weight on top of me so that we were pressed together from chest to crotch.

His eyes were focused on his thumb as he skimmed it across my temple, but then he looked me straight in the eyes.

“I’ve counted myself lucky in life quite a few times, but I’m fucking blown away by the luck that’s just been given to me.” I felt my chin tremble slightly, feeling blown away myself. “My beauty.”

“Just so you know, I’ll ugly cry if you keep saying nice things in that tone.”

The side of his mouth lifted slightly in a smile. “Tough shit. You’ll have to get used to it because I’ve got no intentions of stopping.”

“Okay, then. In that case, I’ll start laying out how different being with you is from anything I’ve experienced in my life. And how I’m lying here, with you still inside me—which I love, for your information—and thanking my lucky stars I’ve got you and your nice buns in my bed.”

Lowering his head until our lips were pressed together, he whispered, “You win. I’ll up my compliment game next time.”

Any response I had was lost because then he was kissing me, and I didn’t care about winning anything.

I’d already won.

Chapter Eighteen


One hour later…

After we’d both cleaned up separately in the bathroom, bad Evie had decided it was time to test her oral skills on Alex and see if I could blow his mind, too.

If the way he’d been panting afterward was any indicator, I absolutely fucking had.

And now we were lying in bed talking.

I’d never just enjoyed the afterglow of sex because it’d always been lights out and off we sleep. Being snuggled into Alex’s side, my head on his chest, and with his hand playing with my hair while he skimmed the other one down my side was my new favorite place to be.

“Why do you call Dave DB?”

His chest moved in what I suspected was a silent laugh. “Can you imagine how many kids were named Dave or David at his school? And the name Bell isn’t unusual either. Did you know that the Townsends had a run-in with a woman with the last name Bell in Gonzales County? It’s a common name.”

I had known about the situation with the Townsends last year. Crazy shit never stayed quiet for long.

“So who decided on the nickname DB?”

“He did. About a month into kindergarten, he came home and told us he’d only be answering to DB from that day forward. Me and Lisa tested him on it, but my son’s a stubborn shithead, and he never responded when we called him Dave or David.”

I chuckled at the information, but something stuck out about it to me. “But he responds to Dave when we call him that? Why’s it different for women?”
