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I felt as much as heard a low rumble. Shit. How many more of them are there? “Michael!” I yelled. “You have to stop this! They’re going to kill you as soon as your men have killed us! They won’t need you anymore!”

“See, Michael?” Trey said, turning a comforting smile on the man. “She’ll say anything to get to you. You can’t believe anything she says. I love your sister, so that makes us family, right? And family would never hurt you.”

Michael looked into Trey’s oh-so-earnest face, then nodded and turned back to us.

And an army of golems descended upon us.

Chapter 34

They came from all around us like a slow wave, with more coming from behind, cutting off our retreat. I couldn’t take the time to count them, but I estimated that there were more than twenty and less than fifty. I hoped.

I barely noticed Trey and the others retreating inside the building. I was almost grateful for that since it meant I didn’t have to worry about accidentally shooting Michael. At this point I didn’t have a problem shooting Trey or Lida, but my do whatever it takes attitude wasn’t quite ready to cut down someone who’d only been a pawn. I wasn’t so sure that Eilahn or Ryan would share that attitude.

But I didn’t have time for that particular moral dilemma. “Eilahn, you keep our backs safe!” I shouted as I quickly reloaded. I chambered a new round into the shotgun, then held it tight against my miserably sore shoulder, gritting my teeth as I fired at the approaching golems. At least my lousy aim didn’t matter so much. With so many of them coming at us, I was guaranteed to hit one of them.

I breathed raggedly as I fired again and again. I couldn’t hear anything but a low buzzing, a combination of the gunfire and my own stress response of blocking out all sound. I dropped five or six of them, but the line kept advancing, closing in on us like a giant claw. I could only trust that Eilahn was keeping our rear safe.

I chambered another round and squeezed the trigger, but there was no violent kick of the shotgun this time. I’m out. I slapped my hand onto the side pocket where I had extra shells, but it was empty. In my peripheral vision I could see Ryan swinging his shotgun like a club, taking off the head of one of the golems. I could barely hold the shotgun at all; I doubted I’d be playing T-ball with golem heads.

I let the shotgun drop from my hand and drew my Glock. My right arm was so numb that I nearly dropped it, and I quickly transferred it to my left and started firing. I could see puffs of dirt rising where my rounds struck the golems, but they weren’t very impressive. We’d taken out over half of them, but the rest still marched in devastating silence toward us.

I felt another rumble beneath my feet. No, I thought in dismay. Not more. We can’t even handle these. I looked past the golems, braced to see another wave of the creatures come around the building.

I sure as shit didn’t expect to see a big yellow bulldozer come around the corner. Crawford was at the controls, while Zack stood atop the canopy, keeping his footing with inhuman balance. He squeezed rounds off from his rifle, sighting down it and blowing off golem heads even as Crawford mowed down a good dozen of the creatures with the bulldozer. Crawford was shouting something incomprehensible, face stretched into an exultant grin that I never expected to see on my sergeant.

Zack suddenly swiveled the rifle toward me. No, not at me—

I whirled to my left in time to see Zack’s shot take a chunk off the head of the golem there, but it apparently wasn’t enough to slow the thing down. I yanked my gun up, but I could see its fist coming at me . . .

White light exploded behind my eyes and I crumpled to the ground. I’m dead, I thought through the haze and pain. I struggled to focus only to see the golem standing over me, raising its blocky fist for a blow that would no doubt crush my skull like a melon.

Not dead yet. About to be. I couldn’t make my body move, could only stare at the impending blow. And I could hear again. I could hear everything.

Eilahn screamed something. It wasn’t Ryan’s name, but he whipped his head around, his face filling with horror and shock as he took in the sight of me on the ground and the golem about to brain me.

In the span between one heartbeat and the next he straightened, expression smoothing to ice, with only his eyes showing a devastating rage. He raised his hands before him, and in the next heartbeat the space between his hands filled with white-blue potency. He lowered his head, lip curling as he unleashed the power into the golem above me.

Then his eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed as dirt rained down around me.

I felt frozen as I stared at Ryan’s motionless form. I distantly heard Zack let out a cry of horror. He leaped off the bulldozer and swiftly moved to Ryan, cradling him in his arms like a child. I felt Eilahn’s arms around me and I was distantly aware that she was holding me in similar fashion, but I couldn’t look away from Ryan.

A hand on my chin did it for me as Eilahn turned my face up to hers. “What did you yell to him?” I asked. It came out in little more than a cracked whisper, but I knew she’d heard me.

“It matters not. How badly are you injured?”

“The golems?”

A flicker of annoyance passed over her face. “They have all been defeated. How badly are you injured?”

I put a hand up to the side of my head. I could feel the lump there, but I didn’t have double vision or anything. Yet. I was probably mildly concussed, but the fact that I was able to realize it was probably a sign that it wasn’t too bad. “Help me stand,” I said. “This isn’t finished.”

She nodded and helped me up. I swayed briefly but she kept a hand on my arm to steady me. I couldn’t look at Zack and Ryan. Instead I focused on the scene by the building.

Trey stood in front of the building door, shielding himself behind a weeping Michael. I could see Lida still inside the building, staying mostly behind the doorjamb. Crawford had come down from the bulldozer and had his gun trained on Trey. I couldn’t see the gun that Trey was holding to the back of Michael’s head, but I knew it was there from the level of tension in everyone involved.

“It’s over, Trey,” Crawford growled. “The golems have all been destroyed. Killing Michael won’t give you a way out.”

I knew what Trey was going to do. Crawford probably did too. I could see the decision click into place in the man’s eyes, chasing away the anger and defeat for the few seconds before Trey pulled the gun away and stuck it in his own mouth.
