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He dropped his hand and stepped back, shaking his head.

“Yes,” I said quietly. “He did this.”

Indecision clouded his expression, though I couldn’t imagine why. He drew a deep breath, shook his head again, then looked to me with an uncompromising gaze. “Go find Mzatal.”

“Huh? Why?”

His eyes unfocused briefly as if he was listening to something, then snapped back to mine. “Run, Kara. Find Mzatal. Now!”

I took a step back from him, then turned and snatched up my bikini top and robe. I was two steps from the entryway when I felt the grove activate. I sucked a breath in and whirled to look at Vahl.

“Rhyzkahl,” I breathed. Vahl’s expression didn’t change. He sure as shit didn’t look surprised.

I quickly yanked on my robe and fled to find Mzatal.

Chapter 36

Mzatal was descending the stairs as I rushed into the atrium, his shirt and face spattered with blood from a nosebleed.

“Rhyzkahl arrived in the grove,” he said with dark intensity as he approached. “I have cast him back and bound the blades so that he cannot use his, but this also means I cannot use mine. And he will return.”

Belting my robe more securely around me, I stopped at the base of the stairs and looked up at him. “What do you need me to do?”

“Seek Idris in the summoning chamber. He lays support,” he said as he passed. “Shield yourself. Draw all that you are able from the grove.”

I started up the steps, then paused. No. That wasn’t right. I knew it in my essence. I couldn’t simply cower and hide and shield myself. I pivoted back to Mzatal. “I’m going with you.”

He stopped and turned to me, mouth drawn to a tight line. “It is Rhyzkahl,” he said. “And I do not wish to risk you while there is a safer alternative.”

“Yeah. And I don’t want to hide in a corner and hope for a good outcome,” I said, eyes narrowed. “I can shield near the grove as well as in here. Maybe better. So I don’t think it’s safer.”

“Kara,” he said with urgent intensity, as he backed down the corridor. “I will be in open conflict and unable to adequately protect you.” He shook his head. “Rhyzkahl’s initial attack and my counter drained most of my reserves, and he is near untouched.”

“All the more reason for me to go with you,” I said as I strode toward him, my eyes locked on his. “If he gets past you, nothing’s going to stop him getting me, whether I’m out there or in the summoning chamber. And it feels like I need to be out there, where he is. Where you are. Trust me, okay?”

Still he hesitated, but finally gave a tight nod. “So be it,” he said, turning to move with me. “Stay close.” We continued down the corridor to the main entryway and out, heading toward the grove at a brisk pace.

“Vahl knew,” I said with a quick glance to him. “He was with me at the pool, and he told me to run and find you, right before I felt the grove activate.”

Mzatal’s jaw somehow tightened more than it already was. “Vahl has cast aside much.” He bit the words out.

I frowned. “What do you mean? Was he here as a mole for Rhyzkahl? If so, he seems to have changed his mind.”

“I suspect Rhyzkahl increased pressure on him,” Mzatal said, “and recently.”

But he warned me. A shiver raced over me. If he hadn’t, if he’d held me or taken me while Rhyzkahl kept Mzatal occupied…. I shook my head, refusing to speculate on what might have happened.

“Aren’t you worried that Vahl will join up with Rhyzkahl and help him fight us?”

Mzatal gave a sharp shake of his head. “Such is not our way,” he said. “We do not war as on Earth. Engagements are qaztahl to qaztahl. Vahl may go to Rhyzkahl but will not engage, and we need only counter Rhyzkahl.” But the tight set of his mouth told me it would be ugly no matter what.

“What about me? Does that mean I can’t help?” Though that didn’t make sense if Idris was laying a support diagram.

“No,” he said. “Summoners are an accepted resource in engagements.”

Resource. Hmmf. My palms were sweating, and I wiped them on my stupid flimsy robe. This was not at all how I envisioned eventually facing Rhyzkahl again—barefoot and dressed in a goddamn bikini.

Mzatal stopped about ten yards away from the entrance of the tree tunnel. He called the pygah and began laying the sigils of the first ring of the shikvihr.
