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"Luca? I love you," she whispered. It was something they never had time to say to each other during their two weeks in Sao Paulo.

But Luke was already snoring



eliza is red, white, and definitely blue

"Eliza--we're going..." Sugar called over, interrupting the conversation. She stood outside the circle, tapping a kitten heel.

"We'll meet you out front," Poppy said, ignoring the fawning looks from the throng. The sisters stalked off, fully aware that all eyes were on their perfectly sculpted backsides.

"Sorry, guys. See y'all later?" Eliza asked.

"Where are you staying?" Lindsay asked, miming a phone call.

"My uncle's place--uh, in Sagaponack. He's not listed--but don't worry, I'll be in touch," Eliza said, putting down her drink. "Sugar! Poppy! Wait up!"

She ran after them, catching up just as the twins stopped to pose for the paparazzi stationed outside the entrance. She waited hesitantly just out of flashbulb range.

"Hey--how 'bout one with your friend?" a photographer asked, noticing Eliza and shooing her into the picture. Eliza found herself wedged between the twins, giving them apologetic smiles.


"Beautiful! Three of a kind!" The photographers wolf-whistled their approval.

"That's enough," Poppy decided when the valet pulled up with their Mercedes SUV. He held open the door and handed her a ticket stub. "Oh no ... I left my wallet at home," she said patting her purse and looking around expectantly.

"Don't look at me," Sugar said. "You know I never carry cash."

"Here, I got it," Eliza offered, rooting in her Louis Vuitton Epi pouchette. "How much?"

"Forty dollars, miss."

Holy. .. That was, like, half a day's salary. Eliza paid the parking fee while Poppy slid behind the wheel.

"Shotgun," Sugar called.

The girls piled into the SUV and Poppy started poking at the GPS screen. "I can never figure this thing out," she muttered to herself just as Justin came blaring through the speakers. Sugar had dated him for a minute, and she liked to say this song was for her, even if it wasn't true. Sugar stuck her hands through the sunroof and whooped loudly as they made their big exit.

"That was fun!" Eliza yelled over "Rock Your Body," feeling drunk and giddy and happy to be back. After spending the spring locked in her room because she couldn't bear another cold night in a wet field drinking Natty Light--the only thing that passed for a social life in Buffalo--Eliza finally felt like her old self again.

"That place was great!" she said.


"Are you serious? It was packed with nobodies." Poppy sniffed. "Did you see that troll in last-season's Gucci?" Sugar agreed. "Totally D-list."

Eliza surreptitiously tugged on her not-exactly-new mini. She vowed to hit the shops as soon as she got her fat cash-filled envelope in three weeks.

"So, what are we going to wear to P. Diddy's party?" Poppy asked, zooming past a stop sign. "Oberon said it's strictly red, white, and blue attire only."

"That's so corny." Sugar yawned.

"It's at the PlayStation2 House, isn't it?" Eliza added.

"Isn't that the place where J.Lo had her birthday party last
