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They grinned at each other, and Ryan dove headfirst into the pool. Mara missed Jim, but it was hard--every time she called, he was either drunk in Andrus Field with his boys or helping customers (who happened to sound awfully young and female) at his


uncle's car dealership. And Ryan was so nice to her. If she'd let herself think about it, she'd have already realized that Ryan was nicer to her than Jim had ever been.

"I forgot to tell you guys--Anna said we get to take the kids to the polo match next week," Jacqui said. "She left instructions on how to get in the VIP tents."

At the mention of "VIP," Eliza's ears pricked up. "No way-- you guys got a box this year?" she yelled to Ryan.

Ryan nodded from the deep end.

"Oh my God! But I have nothing to wear!" Eliza shrieked, sitting up and accidentally flashing the gardener in her excitement. "Oops," she said, pulling her straps up and retying her top.

The shears tumbled to the ground.

Eliza blushed but resumed her poise.

"What's the big deal about a polo match?" Mara asked.

"It's the Mercedes-Benz Polo Match Championship," Eliza said, in the tone of, "It's the Presidential Inauguration." "Everyone will be there. It's like a really important weekend."

"Is just game, sim?" Jacqui asked, shrugging. Polo. Horses. Mallets. Big deal. Give her the World Cup any day.

Eliza shook her head. You couldn't really explain the Hamptons social scene--you either had it or you didn't, and you either got it or you didn't. And sadly, Jacqui and Mara just didn't have it or get it. They didn't even realize how lucky they were to be in East Hampton--they could have been stuck in Montauk, for heaven's sake.


"It's not about the game. Nobody really cares who wins. It's about the champagne in the tents. And between the third and fourth chukker everyone goes out to stomp on the divots! It's, like, tradition. Stephanie Seymour always comes out in five-inc

h heels that sink into the mud! One year Prince Harry rode with one of the teams." Eliza caught her breath, remembering how much fun she'd had last summer.

"Anyway, everyone gets really dressed up. But casual. Kind of like LA." She fretted, "But I don't have anything new. I need to go shopping." Eliza was itching to spend some of her hard-earned money.

After the canceled progress meeting, the girls were given a handwritten note from Anna and three envelopes stuffed with cash ($3,334 exactly). Thanks for all the hard work. So sorry we couldn't meet today. Giorgio couldn't reschedule my appointment. Try not to spend it all in one place. XOXO, Anna, read the thick embossed card.

"Yes ..." Jacqui said wistfully. "At Daslu, I always had new outfit every week. I saw this great dress from Gucci with a snake belt in Vogue. It would look perfect with my new Alain Tondowski slides."

They both looked so bummed, Mara almost laughed at them. "Hey, if you guys want to go shopping, I can stay here and watch the kids."

"Are you sure?" Eliza yelped.

"Fantastico!" Jacqui exclaimed. The two began gathering their


towels and beach bags, delighted at this unexpected turn of events.

"You guys taking off?" Ryan asked, pulling himself out of the pool, dripping fat drops of water on the limestone.

"Just them," Mara replied. "They wanted to go shopping, so I offered to stay with the kids."

"You should go, too. I'll watch 'em," Ryan offered.

Mara was floored. "Seriously?" she asked. Shopping did sound tempting--and she was feeling kind of frumpy around those two fashion butterflies. It wouldn't hurt to get a little something-- maybe a new skirt or a pair of those big sunglasses with the Gs on the side that everyone seemed to own. Plus she could probably stop by the bank while she was in town to make a deposit.

"Yeah, Mar, c'mon, leave them with him. He's got nothing to do all day," Eliza said, giddy at the prospect of an afternoon of her favorite pastime. So giddy that she almost liked the idea of Mara coming along.
