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"Oh, right, sure, Mar--"

But Mara had had enough. "You know what, Jim? You're right--I have changed--and I'm not going to do this anymore!" And then, with as much force as she could muster, she pressed her thumb on the end button of her cell phone. It didn't have the same drama as slamming a receiver down, but that's technology for you.

"Arrggh!" Mara screamed at the empty room.


ryan isn't exactly having breakfast in bed, but ...

Mara ran down the stairs and out the door of the cottage, slamming the door behind her. What the hell was wrong with Jim? Selfish? Selfish?

Mara scurried across the lawn toward the main house. It was almost noon--God, they'd been out late last night!--Ryan usually got back from his morning surf right about now.

He was probably in the kitchen making one of his favorite double-decker submarine sandwiches--the housekeeper always made sure to pick up fresh mortadella, prosciutto, bologna, and salami from Papassini's just for him. He and Mara had shared a big fat hoagie every Saturday morning now, so her timing was probably going to be about perfect.

She walked quickly up the stone pathway to the glass-enclosed kitchen. Sure enough, Ryan was there--still wearing one half of his wet suit (the other half he'd peeled down from the heat). In his right hand he wielded a dinner knife thick with yellow mustard and in the other hand... he was holding the waist of a very


pretty girl in a matching folded-down black wet suit and red string bikini top.

Mara was certain she had seen that girl somewhere, and with a sick twist in her stomach she realized it was the girl from the polo match. The redhead Ryan was talking to while she was arguing with Jim on the phone.

"Ryan--stop--no!" The girl squealed, giggling as Ryan pretended to flick mustard on her cheek.

"You love it." He grinned.

He popped a cherry tomato in her mouth and chased it with a kiss.


Mara stood in front of the kitchen window, completely taken aback and unsure of what to do. She was so surprised to see him with someone.

Someone else--that is--but she tried to ignore it. Only, it wasn't as if I was expecting him to ... It wasn't as if I thought of him as ... And there's Jim, although ...

But just as Mara's face was beginning to contort with some strange understanding of what was really going on here, Ryan looked up.


But Mara was already halfway down the back stairs, more embarrassed and confused than ever.


eliza is learning a lot this summer, like the atkins diet isn't worth it

In the front yard Eliza thought she had things under control. She had gotten all the kids in their beach clothes without too much of a struggle. William was already strapped in and Cody was in his child seat, which left only Zoe and Madison to go.

"Where are we going?" Zoe asked, holding a raggedy copy of Where the Wild Things Are to her chest.

"Same place we always go," Eliza replied, checking the seat belt.

"I'm hungry," Madison said.

"You're always hungry." Eliza sighed.

"Hi, Jeremy," Zoe called from the backseat.

Eliza turned to see Jeremy carrying a hose and a rake, walking out from the rear shed. He tipped his cap.
