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"What's wrong, pup?" she cooed nervously, holding up the dog close to her. As if in answer, the dog peed in her lap. "Hey!" Mara yelped.

"Oh. He does that to some people." Muffy's owner yawned. "You should really have turned off your phone. Didn't you see the sign?" she added, motioning to the image of a cell phone inside a circle with an angry red slash drawn across it.

Mara sank lower in her seat. It was going to be a very long ride.


somewhere on the montauk highway: jacqui can really hold her licquor

The smarmy movie producer was starting to look very, very attractive, but that was probably Johnny Walker talking, Jacqui thought.

For the most part Rupert had acted the perfect gentleman; in fact, he had barely paid her any attention except to refill her whiskey glass. He had been glued to his cell phone's wireless earpiece, yelling into the little receiver about some botched film deal. By the time they reached Noyak, Jacqui had already watched three episodes of That 70s Show on the Tivo, played numerous games of Halo on the Xbox, and watched as the landscape out the window changed from crowded metropolis to suburban wasteland to picturesque vineyards.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," he said, taking a moment to squeeze her left knee.

Hmmm. She didn't know how she felt about that.

Maybe she'd feel better after just one more drink, she thought, reaching over for the

crystal decanter. Rupert had said to "help


herself," and she wasn't one to pass up on the limousine's amenities. Who knew when she'd ever be in a stretch Hummer again?

Rupert finally put away his phone and turned to her. "Sorry about that. The floozy signed the contract, but now she's trying to get out of it to do a movie with Tom Cruise. Didn't mean to be rude."

Jacqui waved it away, still holding her cocktail glass.

He smirked and poured himself another shot of bourbon. "Cheers," he said.

"Salude." To your health.

They clinked glasses. Rupert took a hearty sip and smacked his lips. "Much better," he said, unbuttoning the topmost button on his oxford shirt. "So, what are you doing in the Hamptons this summer?" he inquired.

"Au pair," she said.

"No way. You're serious? I was sure you were a model or something. And that's not a line. I see pretty girls in my business every day."

"Niio sou modelo."

"Actress wannabe?"

Jacqui shook her head. She had absolutely no desire to generate even more attention for herself.

"Just a nanny, huh?"

"Au pair," she corrected.

"Right. Right." He smiled. "Who's the lucky family?"

She told him about the Perrys and gave him their address on Lily Pond Lane. He looked impressed.


"Perry? Not Kevin Perry?"

She nodded.
