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"THANKS FOR COMING TO MY PARTY," ELIZA SAID SHYLY to Midas. She felt a little bit like a seventh grader throwing a birthday party, and she hoped he wouldn't be able to detect her nervousness.

"No worries. You're all this?" Midas asked, motioning to the store as a whole and closely inspecting the row of portraits of famous actresses from the thirties and forties that lined the wall leading to the dressing rooms. All of Eliza's fashion icons were up there. Greta Garbo in a feathered nightgown. Bette Davis smoldering in a sequin bolero. Katharine Hepburn in her signature men's-style trousers. Joan Crawford in her wasp-waisted suit--the only woman who could make shoulder pads look good.

Eliza nodded, glancing in Jacqui and Marcus's direction as they drifted off on their own, Marcus's hand brushing Jacqui's hip in a possessive manner. That was fast. She turned back to Midas. He wasn't as flashy or slick as his brother, but he was


certainly very cute. His deep blue eyes focused on her with shining intensity.

"And you did that," Midas was saying, gesturing to the hot number that Jacqui was wearing. The dress was covered in white acrylic beading that made it shimmer in the light.

"Uh-huh." She nodded stupidly. The Easton brothers were total career launchers, and first impressions were everything. Her palms were practically sweating. Why was it so warm in here? Who was in charge? Oh, right, she was.

"It's very sixties, isn't it?" Midas asked.

"I was inspired by Twiggy," Eliza admitted. "But I wanted to update the shape and the fabric. Not make it feel so retro. I like to put my own twist on things. The fabric is actually washable, so it's practical too." As the words spilled out of her mouth, Eliza felt herself begin to relax. Talking about her designs had always come naturally.

"This is lovely as well," Midas said, taking a modern-looking kimono jacket from the nearest rack and studying it intently, as if he were going to be tested on its details. "What's the theme of your whole collection?"

Eliza smiled, flattered to be the object of such concentrated scrutiny. Finally-- finally ---someone was asking about the idea behind the line. "Well, as you can see, it's all white because I wanted to keep it really simple and monastic but still sexy." She gestured around the room at the various outfitted mannequins, as most of the other clothing had been snatched off the racks.


"Along with the beachy basics, I also did ten standout pieces that are unique and one-of-a-kind, each with a story behind it. Like this mermaid gown," she added, finding one last copy of the dress Mara had worn earlier. "I call it Venus Rising. Jacqui's dress is Carnaby Street, and the kimono is called Monet, partly because the impressionist painters were obsessed with Japanoiserie and partly because it kind of looks like a painter's smock."

"Nice." Midas put the kimono back on the rack and inspected the one-piece halter jumpsuit next to it. "And this?"

"It's called Angel's Flight. It's very Farrah Fawcett from the seventies." Eliza laughed guiltily. "I was having a little fun."

"You've really thought all this through." Midas raised an eyebrow, his dark blue eyes scrutinizing her as closely as they'd studied the clothes.

Eliza nodded. "Of course. I think it's so boring just to wear clothes. Fashion is all about fantasy. I want women to be able to feel transformed---and transported--by my clothing."

"I get it," Midas proclaimed. "I like it." He put a hand on his stubbly chin and looked at her, deep in thought. Eliza smiled, feeling a bit awkward just standing there in silence. She wondered what he was thinking behind those intense dark eyes. Finally, Midas spoke.

"I think we might have a proposition for you," he said slowly. "Let me just have a quick chat with Marcus." He glanced around for his brother, who was deep in conversation with Jacqui on the white velvet couch in the middle of the store, their two perfect


forms posed like living mannequins. "Hey, mate, could you come over here a second?" Midas called.

Marcus shrugged and stood, giving Jacqui a quick goodbye kiss on the hand that made her giggle. It was obvious they'd both drunk a lot of champagne in a very short time.

"What shakes?" Marcus asked as he approached, hands jauntily in his pockets as if he were out for a stroll.

Midas whispered in Marcus's ear, and Marcus began nodding, then started shaking his head. Midas looked stymied, but Marcus only shrugged. Then they stepped away from each other. Eliza expected Midas to say something, but it was Marcus who cleared his throat.

"Congratulations . . . uh . . . Eliza Thompson?" he said, reading her name from the logo on one of the shopping bags. "You've just won Project Runway."

"He's being a goof," Midas said with a fond but dismissive shake of the head. He turned to Eliza with a serious look on his face. "But I'm glad he agrees with me. Listen, we'd like to do a shoot based on your line. It's just what we're looking for. I like the stories behind the clothes, I like your ideas, and I think we'll have fun working together."

Eliza was flabbergasted. "Are you serious?"

"Serious as a lawsuit," Marcus interjected cheekily.
