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"The photos are insane," Eliza said proudly, grating cheese on her spaghetti. "Wanna see?" She dug out a black binder from her bag and placed it on the counter. The three of them crowded around to look.

"Wow, Jac. Is that you?" Mara gushed, taking in the glossy, gorgeous shots. "You're a superstar!"

Jacqui blushed. She hadn't expected to enjoy modeling so


much. It was almost too easy to be believed. But the boys had told her it was difficult to find models as photogenic as she was and who responded to direction so naturally. And it certainly didn't hurt having Marcus at every shoot--it made her practically glow with happiness.

"Did you see this one?" Eliza asked, pointing to a risque photo of Jacqui lying facedown in bed, wearing only a languid smile and a black Gucci thong. She was barely covering herself with a pillow.

"Whoa," Mara cried. "Racy!"

"It's going to run in 'Socialite Centerfold' in Hamptons mag," Eliza said proudly.

"Marcus took it one morning," Jacqui explained, blushing slightly. She smiled as she remembered the morning Marcus had taken the photo, the admiring look in his eyes. He was everything she could possibly ask for: a funny, fabulous, and sexy guy who was crazy about her. She'd been single for so long, she'd forgotten how incredible it was to have a boyfriend. With NYU in the bag and Marcus in her arms, Jacqui was on top of the world. The whole supermodel-for-a-summer thing was just icing on the very sweet cake.

"Don't forget, tomorrow we have to be in Bridgehampton early for the equestrian shoot," Eliza reminded Jacqui, getting up to refill her plate. "I'm famished," she said apologetically as she took another heaping portion.

"Oh yeah ... I guess I can't cover tomorrow," Jacqui said, looking anxiously at Mara.


Mara blew out her bangs.

"Anyway, you know how it goes, chica. I covered your ass two summers ago," Jacqui added playfully, still engrossed by the book of photos. She turned the page. "When it comes to the whole au pair thing, we've always traded off doing the actual work, right?"

Mara was about to protest when there was a buzz from the intercom. Eliza flipped the screen on the television to the security channel.

"Who ordered pizza?" Mara joked, picking up an errant piece of pasta off the countertop.

"Oh, whoever he is, he's cuuuute," Eliza cooed, leaning in for a closer look. "Tall, dark, handsome. Kind of looks like Ewan McGregor in that movie. . . ." Eliza snapped her fingers, trying to recall. "He's wearing horn-rimmed glasses and a varsity fencing jacket. And he's carrying one of those backpacks that sit on those metal thingys."

"A fencing jacket?" Mara asked, standing stock-still over the garbage disposal. That sounded awfully familiar. . . .

She raced over to the screen. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed. "It's David!"

She felt her heart beat faster. What on earth was David doing in the Hamptons? How had he tracked her down? Had he come back just for her? What did this mean? She was thankful she looked presentable, wearing one of Eliza's tissue-thin James Perse T-shirts she'd borrowed from her closet and low-riding Nuala


yoga pants. She'd learned from her friends the secret to looking sexy but casual.

"Really?" Eliza raised an eyebrow. She had never had a chance to meet David in New York. Since it was so impossible to find time to get together, she always wanted to spend time with just Mara, and then every time they made actual plans to double date, one of them would cancel.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" Mara turned to Eliza, a slight edge in her voice.

"It's just--Mar, he sounded a little nerdy every time you described him. But if it's any consolation, I was so wrong. He's a regulation hottie."

Mara knew Eliza could be blunt, so she wasn't insulted. Much. "What's he doing here?" she wondered aloud, wiping her hands on her apron. "He's supposed to be in the Ukraine by now." Mara playfully shoved Eliza over and looked at the little black-and-white image of David on the screen. She had almost forgotten how cute he was. She was still angry at him, but seeing him standing there under the porch light, her heart melted a little.

The intercom buzzed again.

"Well, what are you guys waiting for? Let the poor boy in already." Jacqui laughed. And with that, Eliza buzzed the door open.


l ove means knowing how to say you're sorry
