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Mara blinked. Bum around Europe? All of her unrealized dreams for the summer came back to her in a rush: Gondola rides in Venice. Eating chocolate croissants at sunrise on a bench on the Seine. Touring the winding streets of London in a red double-decker bus. But take a year off from Columbia? She'd always followed the straight and narrow path, had never


been the type of girl to derail her long-term plans just because a guy had asked her to.

She suddenly remembered that poem, the one they made you read at graduation, about the road not taken. This wasn't just any guy, and this wasn't just any offer. Ryan Perry was standing there, giving her another chance. Giving them another chance.

"I'll do it," she told him.

"You will?" His face broke into a huge, innocent grin. He looked just as handsome as the day they had met, when he had stepped out of his Aston Martin onto the sidewalk, barefoot. Ryan would always be a free spirit. She would have to learn how to let go a little bit, take his example.

He leaned across the gearshift and pulled her close. "I love you," she whispered softly.

"I love you too."

And then Mara laughed. After a summer's worth of drama, she was finally going to get to see Europe. This time, with the right guy.




that afternoon as she beeped the horn loudly.

Mara ran out of the front doors, dragging her luggage, Jacqui right behind. The kids gathered around them. Mara gave them all kisses and hugs.

"Who are you?" Wyatt asked Jacqui.

Jacqui laughed and ruffled his hair. She'd heard that line before.

They piled into Elizas convertible. They were all driving back to the city together. Eliza was spending a weekend at home with her mom before heading off to Princeton. Mara had to wrap up a few things at Columbia for her year off before she jetted off to Europe with Ryan, and they were dropping Jacqui off at NYU orientation.

Eliza took them slowly on the two-lane highway, and they drove through the sleepy hamlets. The sun was shining brightly on the calm ocean, and the surrounding countryside was green and vibrant.


"Here," Jacqui said, leaning forward from the backseat and plopping a fat envelope on Mara's lap.

"What's this?" Mara asked, opening the flap and finding a neat stack of hundred-dollar bills.

"My share of the au pair salary. It's yours. I didn't earn it--you did."

"I can't take this!" Mara protested, trying to give it back.

"Yes, you can." Jacqui nodded fiercely.

"But what about. . . Don't you need the money?"

"I did that Japanese commercial, remember? With the payment and residuals, I made enough for tuition," Jacqui said proudly.

"Are you sure?"

"Chica, I'm sure. Believe me, the check I got, it's got a lot more zeros than what's in that envelope."

Mara turned around and gave Jacqui a close hug. "Thank you."

Jacqui nodded. "I'm not giving up on modeling completely. Christy Turlington graduated from NYU, you know."
