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If Mal was famous for helping with hair, Evie’s talents as a fashion designer and seamstress were starting to become legendary. A number of girls had asked if she would make dresses for them for the dance, so when Mal had said they would need to leave Auradon undercover, it had given Evie an idea.

“Ooh, I can’t wait!” said Audrey. “Did you put on the swan bustle like I asked?”

“It was difficult, but I did it,” said Evie with a smile.

“I can’t wait to see mine!” said Lonnie. “Is it red and gold like we talked about?”

“You’ll look like an empress,” Evie promised.

The girls followed her back to her room and Evie handed them their gowns. There was much oohing and aahing over the gorgeous dresses. Audrey’s gown featured pink and blue panels that changed color depending on how she twirled her skirt. “It’s like magic!” Audrey sighed, unable to keep her eyes off her reflection.

“I think Cinderella’s mice are going to be jealous!” said Lonnie, who looked stunning in a traditional imperial column with a pretty lotus print. “Mary’s definitely going to want to hire you when you graduate from here.”

“Thanks, guys,” said Evie with a smile.

After they’d changed back into their school clothes, Audrey wandered over to Evie’s vanity table, which was littered with numerous tiny glass pots filled with different colors. She stuck her finger in one. “What’s this?”

“Oh, just some batches of lip gloss I’ve been experimenting with in the lab. We always had to use expired cosmetics on the Isle of the Lost, so when I got here and discovered I could learn to make my own makeup, I was thrilled. I’ve even been able to enhance them with the right chemical compounds,” said Evie. “Look, here’s one that changes from pink to blue in the light.”

Audrey squealed. “Can I have it?”

“It’s yours,” said Evie.

Lonnie held up a clear gloss. “What does this do?”

“Glows in the dark,” said Evie. “I thought it would be fun when the lights go down during the dance.”

“Cool,” said Lonnie. They crowded around the vanity, picking up tubes and pots and trying every color. Lonnie held up a purple one. “And this?”

“Don’t you hate when your lip gloss disappears in the middle of the day? So I figured out how to make one that never fades,” said Evie.

Lonnie and Audrey nodded in agreement.

“Are you sure I can have this one?” asked Audrey, holding up her blue-pink pot.

“I made it for you, of course,” said Evie. “Which one do you want, Lonnie?”

“The glow-in-the-dark one, thanks. That way everyone can see me smiling up in the DJ booth,” said Lonnie.


The girls thanked Evie and left with their dresses. Mal walked in a few minutes later. “All set?” she asked.

In answer, Evie opened the closet door, which held two identical dresses to the ones she had made for Audrey and Lonnie. “Try yours on,” she said. “I want to see if it fits.”

Evie had stayed up way too late the night before, but she’d gotten them done. If they were going to leave Auradon, they would do so disguised as princesses. Lonnie and Audrey often left school to visit their home castles and kingdoms, and no one would question their use of the royal limousine. Jay and Carlos would be dressed as their chauffeur and bodyguard, respectively.

“How’s your mom, by the way?” asked Evie as she zipped Mal up into the replica of Audrey’s dress. “Did she tell you anything the other day?”

Mal shook her head. “Not unless she was communicating by sleeping. I really don’t see how it could be her, but who knows. We’ll just have to assume the worst.” She caught her reflection. Her purple hair framed her horrified face as the dress shimmered in waves of sparkly pink and blue. “Oh, my goblins, I look like such a princess! It’s so…pink…and blue!”

Evie laughed. “That’s the point! Though I have to say, these really aren’t your col


Mal stuck her tongue out at Evie. “Any luck with the Magic Mirror?”

“None,” said Evie. “It works perfectly if I ask it to show me anything else. But if I ask to see my mom, Jafar, or Cruella, it’s just cloudy. It’s like they’ve disappeared or something.”
