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“I am, I know our team.”

“What about the rumors that King Ben won’t be back in time to play the game? We’ve heard he left earlier this week on some secret official business,” Jordan said keenly. “Can you tell us anything about that?”

“I can’t speak to the rumors, but I know Ben wouldn’t want to let us down. I hope he makes it back in time, but if not, we’ll carry on.”

“I’m sure you will,” she said, rifling through her index cards for the next question. She smiled back up at the camera. “One of the things we like to do on TourneyCenter is to get to know our players better. Can you tell us a little about yourself?”

“Well, I’m Jay, son of Jafar. I grew up on the Isle of the Lost, but I think everyone knows that by now.”

“That’s right, you’re one of the so-called villain kids. When did you move here?” she asked.

Jay perked up at the question. “At the start of the school year. A big old limousine picked us up and dropped us off at Auradon Prep’s front door.”

“How fancy,” said Jordan, leaning forward with a smile.

“Sure was. The amount of candy they have in the back of that thing, I’ve got to tell you, Jordan, I wish I had the keys to that limo in my pocket right now,” he said, rubbing his stomach.

“Jay! You know the rules!” Jordan said, looking worried. “You can’t say the word wish in my lamp. Otherwise…Check your pocket for the keys. You’ll have to return…” She trailed off as the entire room went topsy-turvy, and the two of them were thrown across the lamp like rag dolls.

“Must have been another earthquake,” said Jordan, struggling to right herself and her footstool. Lamps had crashed, pillows and peacock feathers were scattered everywhere. “They’re so annoying! Every time one hits, my lamp falls on the floor. When you leave would you mind putting it back on the shelf?”

“Not at all,” said Jay with a smile, noticing she had forgotten all about the limousine keys. He felt guilty for deliberately deceiving Jordan, and tricking her into using her magic. But since it was for a good cause, maybe that was okay? The villain kids were just trying to protect Auradon from harm. He’d have to ask Fairy Godmother about it next time in Remedial Goodness class.

Jordan wrapped up the interview and thanked him for stopping by.

As Jay walked back toward campus, the keys to the royal limousine jingled in his pocket.

Saturday morning dawned bright and early, and Mal woke up with the sun. She’d been unable to sleep the night before, thinking about the day to come. Tonight they would return to the Isle of the Lost to confront this sinister Anti-Heroes organization most likely headed up by the biggest villains in the land. We can do this; we have to, she thought to herself, but a small, worried part of her was anxious just the same.

“I’m terrified too,” Evie said, when she saw the look on Mal’s face as they got ready for the day. “But like you said, we can handle it.”

“I think Jay said that.”

“Yes, but we all know you’re the one who’s going to make it happen,” Evie said confidently. “And if you don’t,

well, at least your lip gloss won’t fade.” She handed Mal a jar full of a purple tint. “You know what my mom always says, beauty is as beauty is.”

Mal smiled at Evie and Evie smiled at Mal. It was wonderful to have supportive friends, especially when they were good at conjuring up cosmetics. Mal carefully applied the gloss, liking the way it matched her purple varsity jacket. She told Evie she’d meet her at the game and headed over to the library to check on Maleficent one last time before they left.

Her mother was curled around a rock. She looked so tiny and helpless that it was hard to imagine how she could have anything to do with the mischief that was going down on the Isle. “If there’s anything you want to say to me, if you can change back, you should let me know, Mom,” she told the tiny lizard.

But Maleficent just kept sleeping on her warm rock.

“Fine,” said Mal. “I’ll see you when I get back.”

She left the library and walked to breakfast. The entire campus was festooned with balloons and banners, a lively feeling in the air as students walked around with their parents. She saw Audrey with her mother, Aurora, poring over the class pictures that hung in the hallways. Doug was taking a family of dwarfs on a prospective students’ tour. “This is where we have choir practice. I’m sure your kids will love singing in it,” Mal overheard him say proudly.

For a brief moment, Mal wished she could be one of those kids showing off the school to their parents, but Maleficent had never even once attended a villain–teacher conference back at Dragon Hall, and it was futile to think she would find anything to admire about Auradon Prep.

But she didn’t have time to worry about feeling out of place on Castlecoming day. Friendly students mobbed her, eager to introduce her to their parents.

“Come meet my parents!” said Lonnie, introducing her to Mulan and Li Shang.

“Mother, this is Mal! I told you all about her!” said Allie, who pulled Alice away from admiring the students’ artwork displayed on the walls.

Mal shook so many hands and smiled so much her dimples were starting to hurt. People in Auradon were so nice, it was a little exhausting. She wished Ben were back already. He was still out of town, and he’d let her know he was sorry, but he wouldn’t make it back in time for the tourney game or the dance after all. Mal was surprised to find that she was actually quite disappointed about it, but at least she and Evie would still have fun. Mal would never admit it out loud, but dancing with her friends was nearly as good as going on a date with the King of Auradon.

“Mal, over here!” Evie called from the other end of the hall. Mal joined her side and they walked together to the tourney stadium. The band was already playing the Auradon fight song as they found their seats.
