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In Auradon, people stared at them because they came from somewhere else, and now on the Isle of the Lost, everyone stared at them because they’d left. In a way, it was just the same. Now they were outsiders in both places. Some of the townsfolk looked at them balefully, while others were merely curious.

“Hi, Gaston, and, um, Gaston,” said Evie, seeing the burly duo across the street.

But the Gastons simply scowled.

Evie backed away. “They used to be pretty friendly back in Dragon Hall,” she said. “They even offered to share their lunch with me.”

“Not anymore,” said Mal. “I bet they don’t even share a crumb with you at this point.”

“Let’s keep going,” urged Carlos. “Everyone’s staring. I feel like they’ll start throwing rotten tomatoes at us.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” said Jay, but he looked nervous too.

“Well, well, if isn’t the heroes of Auradon.” The four of them turned at the sound of the voice and saw a girl with dark frizzy hair leaning over a balcony. She had piercing gray eyes and wore a soiled red dress with tattered golden piping at the neckline.

“There’s that word again,” Evie whispered. “Heroes.”

“Ginny Gothel!” said Mal. “Get down here!” Ginny had been a friendly acquaintance back in Dragon Hall, and Mal remembered with a hint of shame that they had often enjoyed making fun of smaller, weaker people together. They watched as Ginny shimmied down the edge of the building and walked toward them.

Mal wasn’t sure what she was expecting when she returned to the Isle of the Lost, but it certainly wasn’t to find Ginny Gothel, of all people, looking down at her.

“Don’t you guys clean up nice,” Ginny sneered, crossing her arms and studying each of them in turn. “What do you call that?” she asked, pointing at Mal’s outfit.

Mal flushed. “Preppie punk,” she explained. She was wearing a purple argyle sweater underneath her favorite jacket, along with a clean denim skirt and boots.

“Huh. I’m not sure I’m a fan, but then Auradon style is best for goody-goodies. So, what are you guys doing back here?” Ginny asked, her arms crossed and a skeptical look on her face. “Slumming?”


said Jay. “Which reminds me, I should probably go check out the Junk Shop and let Dad know I’m here.” He waved and quickly jogged away.

“Yeah, Evie and I are gonna head over to our side of the island,” said Carlos, as they peeled away from the group.

“Going home too, are you, Mal?” asked Ginny. “What would your mom say, I wonder, if she could talk again? To see that her nasty little girl grew up to be so good?” She shook her head. “If you can change, I guess they’re right, there’s hope for all of us,” Ginny said in a soft, sweet voice, batting her eyelashes mockingly.

“Who’s they?” asked Mal, but Ginny, apparently bored with the conversation, was already walking away.

Evil Queen had been exiled to the farthest, most remote, and practically abandoned part of the island, so by the time Evie and Carlos made it past Woeful Way and turned onto Hell Street, both of them were panting from the long walk. Without the fear of Maleficent, chaos had settled upon the Isle of the Lost and it appeared even the island’s mostly undependable, rinky-dink transportation system had completely broken down. The goblins had abandoned their rickshaws, which were left to rust on the side of the roads.

Everywhere they went, they were met with frowns and scowls. Evie tried not to look too nervous for Carlos’s sake, since he was obviously extremely uncomfortable with all the attention.

It didn’t help that she was also exhausted and her feet hurt. Evie told herself exercise was good for the skin, and wiped her forehead with her handkerchief. She was still wearing her fancy dancing shoes with the high heels, and she almost fell in relief when they finally reached the familiar tall, gray stone walls of the Evil Queen’s castle. Then she remembered she was afraid to face her mother.

She knocked on the heavy fortress door. “Mom?” she called nervously. “Um, it’s me? Evie! Are you there?”

“It looks deserted,” said Carlos, glancing askance at the cobwebs and dust.

“Oh, it always looks like this,” Evie assured him. “Mom’s big on personal maintenance, but housekeeping, not so much.

“Let me see if I can find the key,” she said, walking over to the nearest wall and feeling for a brick that had come loose. “Here it is,” she said, holding up an ancient rusted key. “Maybe she’s out getting ready for the Anti-Heroes meeting?”

“Maybe. Wow, this place really looks like no one’s lived here for centuries,” said Carlos as they walked inside.

Evie bristled. “It’s the height of Gothic style!”

“More like the bottom of it,” said Carlos, scrunching his nose.

“Okay, fine, maybe it is a bit dark and dreary,” said Evie, who had never been too bothered by the gargoyles and cobwebs until now. She looked around. Hmm. Maybe Carlos was right. It was a little dustier than she remembered. She took another step and sneezed.
