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Cason and I talked a little about Clara, and how things were going with them. We also talked about what kind of work he did, which he seemed pretty vague about, but I was only half-way paying attention anyway, so it didn’t really bother me.

The other half of my attention was on Dylan, who was now in the quiet corner making pleasant conversation with the other girl, by the looks of it.

For a moment, I felt a twinge of… jealousy?

No, I would not allow myself to be jealous. After all, hadn’t I had a beautiful night getting to know Becker just a couple of days ago? I wanted to be happy for Dylan. This was what I was here to do, to help him find the kind of girl he could be happy with, or at least show him how to get out of his own way and dig a little deeper.

Soon my thoughts became more and more jumbled and crazy, and I began wondering how strong those drinks were. Cason got up to get one more round, and I told him just a water would do for me.

When he came back, he had a glass of water as well as another shot for me. I tried to protest, but he promised me it was the last one, and that he just didn’t want to be the only one drinking. He assured me that he had paid out his tab when he ordered this last round, and flashed his credit card as evidence he was being truthful.

I looked around for Dylan, but he was nowhere to be found. Of course in my altered state of lowered inhibitions, I said what the heck and downed the last shot.

That’s when things got really hazy, and I knew I was way more intoxicated than I should be after only three drinks. A shiver went through my body and my head spun.

“There you go, sugar,” Cason said as he slid his chair closer to mine and started rubbing his hand up and down my thigh.

What the hell? What was happening? Why did this seem wrong? I knew this was wrong, but suddenly, I didn’t remember why. He was so hot… surely it was okay, right?

No! Oh my God, what was going on?

I suddenly felt dizzy, and my muscles all went so relaxed that I almost felt numb. The simple act of moving felt like I was treading through Jell-O, and I was confused… so confused.

Cason brought a hand up to my face and cupped my cheek, the other hand still rubbing my upper thigh. He tried to hold my g

aze with his eyes and I tried hard to focus. “Feeling okay, gorgeous?”

“Hmmmm-mmm,” was all I could manage to verbalize, panic beginning to slowly build deep in the back of my mind and in the pit of my stomach. What was going on? Where was I? Why was I… so… sleepy…

Suddenly, before I could bring Cason’s face into focus or see it coming, I could feel Cason’s lips press hard onto mine. I wanted to protest but the fight was quickly leaving my body. I knew I didn’t want to kiss him back, didn’t want his hands on me.

Temporary relief spread through me as he broke away, but followed it up with, “Come on, sugar. Let’s get you out of here.”

Cason helped me stand and started steering me toward the exit.

“No, this is wrong. I can’t.” My words slowly came out in a slur, and I was losing my will to fight it with every second that ticked by.

Where was Dylan? I couldn’t leave Dylan.

“It’s not wrong, gorgeous. I’ve got you. I’ll take care of you.” Cason’s voice sounded so calm and almost seductive as he inched me closer and closer to the exit.

That snake.

Suddenly I was frantic, the panic finally exploding inside me, but it was all trapped inside as I was no longer able to make my body protest like my mind was doing inside my head.

What was happening? Alarm bells rang in my head and I felt helpless.


Suddenly, everything happened at once, and I watched as though I was looking down on the whole scene from outside my own body. Everything started moving in slow motion.

I felt strong hands grab me from behind, and as Cason turned abruptly to see who grabbed me, a solid fist connected with his jaw. Cason’s face continued in the direction of the follow-through as saliva flew from his mouth.

I thought a fight would ensue, but Cason backed off and held his hands up in surrender. Then he quickly backed away and disappeared into the crowd of people that had gathered around to watch.


At that moment, my legs would no longer hold me and I started to collapse. I felt Dylan’s arms surround me as he held me up. He picked me up and carried me out the door to put me into his truck.
