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At least I wouldn’t freeze out here in the cold.

The game started, and the moment I saw Dylan run out on the field in the midst of his teammates, my pulse began racing and I thought the butterflies were going to explode out of my stomach.

We all watched the game, yelling, screaming, and cheering our team on, and I was amazed at how well Dylan played, although admittedly not surprised. He was so good at everything else he did; of course this would be no different. I could see now why he was such a local celebrity, and it didn’t escape my notice all the female fans sitting out there in the cold watching the game.

At one point, just as Dylan was coming off the field after scoring his third goal of the game, I thought I saw him look up at me, but then I second-guessed myself, thinking there was probably no way he could pick me out of all those people in the stands.

As the game ended, a win for our team, we slowly made our way out of the bleachers, and once at the bottom, a group of guys saw Becker and called him over.

“Go ahead and catch up with them,” I told him. “Clara and I will run to the ladies’ room, and we’ll come find you once we’re out.”

Becker went over to say hi to his friends and Clara and I walked around to the restrooms. There was a line, and I finished before Clara did, so I waited for her outside.

As I was standing there alone waiting, I suddenly felt a rush of electricity run down my spine, and I turned to see Dylan maybe ten feet away, walking over to me.

“Hey! Great game tonight. You were awesome,” I smiled as he approached.

“I thought that was you I saw in the stands. I’m glad you enjoyed the game,” he said, looking down at his feet. Was he being shy all of a sudden? That was so unlike him.

“Yeah… I hope things aren’t weird between us. I know I acted like a pretty big fool the last time we saw each other, and I wanted to say how sorry I was for that.” Now I was the shy one looking at my feet. I was probably blushing, as I could feel the blood rush to my face, but I hoped that the cold night air had already made my cheeks a little pink and maybe it would go unnoticed.

“I don’t know what got into me. I can only blame the copious amounts of alcohol… and… well, the whole thing with Cason. I guess you could say that shook me up a little bit,” I continued.

“No need to apologize, Zia. I was just trying to look out for you…” he paused. “Actually, speaking of that. Zia, I saw the guy you were here with tonight. I know it’s none of my business, but I know Becker, and he’s not…” he didn’t finish.

“Not what?” I prodded.

“I don’t want to seem like I’m trying to tell you how to live your life, or like I don’t want you to be happy with someone else, but…” he trailed off again.

“But what, Dylan? Just say what you want to say,” I urged as I reached out and touched his arm at the crook of his elbow.

“I just don’t want to see you get hurt. Just be careful, okay?” he finally said. Even now, his eyes sparkled in the dim lighting. Would they always affect me like this?

Just then, Becker walked up behind me, and he and Dylan nodded at each other in true form of one alpha male to another. Suddenly, it felt really awkward standing in the middle, and I wondered if I had made a mistake coming here with Becker.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I told Dylan, and then turned to look up at Becker as he grabbed me around the waist. Yep, this was humiliating.

“Good game, man,” Becker said to Dylan as he pulled me in closer. Suddenly, I felt like I was in the middle of a one-sided, territorial pissing contest.

“Thanks, man,” Dylan replied, then looked back to me. “See you around, Zia. Take care.” Even now he looked sincere as he looked into my eyes.

There was no anger, just concern in his face, and… regret? I was so confused. This obviously had not gone the way I had planned by way of outcome.

Dylan turned and walked away, but before he could get too far, I told Becker to hold on a minute, that I had forgotten to tell Dylan something. I jogged over in Dylan’s direction.

“Dylan, wait!” I called out to him.

He stopped and turned to me, his eyes expectant, waiting to hear what I had to say.

“I owe you one more session, if you want. I mean, I know that the last one kind of really got messed up and didn’t end up how it should have, obviously. But I don’t like to start things without finishing them, so if you still want your last session, just let me know.” I put it out there, and now would leave it up to him as to whether he’d take it or not.

Dylan nodded, and I could tell he was thinking about it. “I’ll think about it and get back to you,” he finally said.

“Okay, sounds good. I’ll see you,” I said, and walked back to where Becker was waiting for me.

Clara met back up with us, explaining that she had gotten side-tracked talking with some friends she had also run into on her way back over to us.

We all left the stadium and parted ways before heading home. Becker kissed me after helping me into the back of a cab, another short and sweet little kiss, but somehow the magic was no longer there this time around.
