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Unknown: If you still want to.

Me: Ohhh. Ok :)

Unknown: So what now?

Me: Now we go to bed and talk about it tomorrow.

Unknown: Ok sounds good. I’ll call you after practice.

Me: Ok

Unknown: Goodnight

Me: Goodnight

I programmed Dylan’s number in my phone and set it back on my nightstand for the night.

It looked like I had a new project to work on.


The next week was a killer with all the new assignments we got after last week’s mid-terms. Algebra class was eating my lunch, so to speak, so I figured I’d better do some studying between classes on Monday.

I had an eight o’clock morning class on Mondays, but my second class that started at nine-thirty ended up being cancelled that day. I decided to sit and study at a table in the Student Central Building near the food courts to fill the time.

By about eleven o’clock, I got a text from Jonas saying a bunch of them were meeting up at Chik Fil A for lunch if I wanted to join, so I grabbed my notebooks in a rush and headed for the campus shuttle stop.

After meeting up for lunch, I grabbed my book bag and started heading toward the Science building for my Biology class when I realized my bag felt a little too light to be carrying that monster of a book. I opened my bag, and sure enough, no Biology book.

I thought back to where I could have left it and realized I had set it in the chair next to mine at the table I had studied at earlier in the Student Central Building.

I changed directions and hurried back over to see if my book was still where I had left it. As I approached the table where I’d been sitting, I noticed none other than the blue-eyed girl from the Book Shelf the other night with my Biology book in her hands. She had the front cover opened as though she were looking for a name of whom the book might belong to.

“There it is! Sorry, I left my Bio book sitting here earlier. I thought I’d lost it,” I said, halfway in relief and halfway barely believing my luck. I could feel the spike of adrenaline rush through my blood stream at the sight of her.

She looked up at me with those big blue eyes, and I couldn’t believe the coincidence that, after I had missed my chance to talk to her Saturday night, here she was, holding my Biology book, sitting right where I had sat just an hour earlier.

“Oh, yeah. I’m glad you found it, then.” She smiled a polite but understated smile and handed the book to me.

“Thanks,” I returned, smiling appreciatively.

“No problem,” she said, before turning her attention down to her sandwich.

Was she dismissing me? Did she know who I was? I thought maybe I should introduce myself. “I’m Dylan, by the way.”

She looked back up at me. “Uh, nice to meet you, Dylan. I’m Marzia,” she replied.

“Marzia. That’s an unusual name. I haven’t heard it before,” I told her, trying to draw her into some conversation.

“It’s Italian. Marzia Benagli. I really just go by Zia,” she explained.

“Well, Zia, it’s nice to meet you, too,” I told her.

“Thank you,” she returned.

And then, nothing.

I looked at her trying to decide whether I should keep talking or just leave her alone. Maybe I was interrupting something, or maybe she was waiting for someone.
