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Summer’s mouth hangs open as she leans back a little.

“Wow, I don’t know what to say. This sounds... straight out of a movie, if I’m honest.”

“That’s Hollywood for you. Lesson learned. I’ll never agree to something like this again. As soon as the premiere is over, I can forget this happened. Anyway, I wanted you to know.”

She tilts her head to one side, asking, “Why did you kiss me?”

“I couldn’t not kiss you. I couldn’t not taste you.”

Her tongue darts out, wetting her lower lip. Then she tears her gaze away from mine. “I can see now why your PR team started the Smolder Tumblr page. Did they also come up with the Twitter handle @SuperSmolder?”

“Nah, the fans came up with it on their own.”

“Hmm... I don’t believe a word of it. Once you admit to PR sins, there’s no going back.”

I love that she has no problem handing me my ass.

“For someone who doesn’t want my autograph, you’re immersed in the fandom.”

“I looked it up purely in the name of research.”

“Exactly when did you think that research might be useful?”

“I’m not a fortune-teller. Hence why it’s helpful to have such info handy. I’ve cut my teeth by using these tactics on my siblings, so I know what I’m talking about.”

We burst out laughing, and laugh until the tension between us dissipates.

“You’re close to your family, I take it?” I ask.

“Close doesn’t even cover it. My sisters are my best friends.”

“And your brother?”

“S. Plural. You only met Daniel?”


“Well, I’m one of nine kids. They’re all married, and most have children, which means I have plenty of nieces and nephews to spoil. Anyway, I have two sisters and six brothers. They’re great. A tad overprotective sometimes when it comes to my dating life, but don’t worry, you’re safe. Won’t tell them about the kiss.”

“Or what, they’d come bang down my door?” I challenge.

“I wouldn’t put it past them.”

The thought of Summer dating another guy irks me to no end. Jesus, I have to stop. One kiss doesn’t give me any right over her.

“We should go. It’s getting late,” she comments. “There will be cabs at the end of the pier, I think.”

A few minutes later, we reach the street. There are cabs driving in every direction. I hail one for her. I don’t want our outing to end, even though I now fully realize that venturing out into the city with Summer was reckless. I’d feared paps showing up, but it slipped my mind that anyone with a camera can snap a picture. Summer’s idea for me to pass off as a wannabe double was genius, but even so, I’ve been pushing my luck.

The studio would skewer me if I started dating someone new. I hate that they own me so thoroughly that they have a say in my personal life. But

when you’re young and stupid, you sign contracts without considering the long-term too much.

I could invite Summer over to my house, but after the kiss, I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. Even though I want to listen to her talk about her family, or her job, or St. Anne’s... or anything at all. I want to spend more time with her, but the smart thing is to do the exact opposite. Summer is too sweet and lovely to deserve being swept in my Hollywood drama.

So instead of inviting her to join me for a drink, I open the door to the back seat of the cab for her.

“Oh, before I forget....” She rummages in her purse, handing me the cap back.
