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“You told her about me?”

“Of course.”

“I’d love to meet her. And by the way, sneaking up in my office was superhot, but I’ve got to admonish you. It was risky. I think Preston would have a mental breakdown if he found out. I’ve looked over that list of security measures he sent me... my mind is still spinning.”

Walking up to her, I wrap my arms around her, flattening her back against my chest, resting my nose in the crook of her neck.

“After this whole premiere mess is over, I promise things will calm down a bit. And then I’ll take you to the fanciest restaurants, on the fanciest dates.”

She stills, covering my hands with hers, turning her head slightly. “Alex, I don’t care if we go out, or we stay in. I just like spending time with you. I get it that things are a bit crazy now, and your life in general is more... colorful than most people’s, but I can handle it.”

I cradle her tighter in my arms, kissing her neck, barely believing how lucky I am that she’s mine, and that she’s taking all this in stride, like I’m worth all her effort. I’ve never felt more appreciated.

“I can’t get enough of you. Now I just have to make sure you can’t get enough of me either.”

“And how do you plan to do that, mister?”

“I have some aces up my sleeves.”

“Hmm... I’m torn between admitting you don’t have to work that hard, and egging you on so you use all those aces. Whoops, I guess the cat is out of the bag.”

I smile against her neck, watching her hands move rapidly on the counter.

“How can I help?” I ask, finally letting go.

“List your skills in the kitchen, and please don’t pimp yourself.”

“I’m very skilled at sneaking into kitchens and charming the personnel into doing whatever I want. The rest of my skill range expands from sandwiches to boiled eggs.”

“Right.” She eyes my hands thoughtfully. “But I bet I can count on you for brute force. How does whisking eggs sound? My arms are already hurting.”

“Feel free to put me to the best use as you see fit.”

She smiles, pushing her hair out of her face, smearing her forehead with yolk in the process. “Hate to be so blunt, but I think your best use... will not be in the kitchen. I’m optimistic about the bedroom though.”

Stepping right in front of her, I wet my fingers under the sink, clean off the yolk smears on her forehead, then kiss those spots. Nothing’s ever felt more real, more important than having Summer in my house, in my life. I lean in even closer, whispering in her ear.

“That’s because you don’t know yet what I can do to you on a kitchen counter.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


On Sunday evening Alex flies out again, and I count down the days—if I’m honest the minutes too—until the weekend and I get to see him again. I keep an eye out for Tara over the next few days, but she doesn’t show her face at the gallery or attempt to contact me.

Meanwhile, Olivia is working hard on earning the Neurotic Boss of the Year title, which is completely unwarranted. This is the gallery’s most profitable year. By the looks of things, it will also be the year I sprout my first white hairs.

Midweek, my sisters surprise me by showing up at the gallery near closing time. They’re both flashing their “we’re up to shenanigans” expressions.

“We’re here to whisk you away to a speedy spa session,” Pippa explains. “We have instructions from a certain hot superhero to help you relax.”

“Wow, when did he talk to you? How does he know I need to relax? I haven’t complained about anything.”

Pippa hooks an arm around mine, leaning in conspiratorially. “Any man worth his salt can pick these things up from the tone of voice, willingness to engage in sexy talk on the phone, and so on.”

“I think he’s trying to get under mine and Pippa’s skin, so he’s got some backup on Saturday.” Alice gives me a thumbs-up. “It’s totally working.”

So... I don’t know if his goal is to make me fall in love with him or just to make me swoon, but he’s succeeding on all accounts. Oh boy.
