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“Yeah, I was. Because I thought I’d lost you, and I love you too much to let that happen, Summer.”

“Oh, Alex... I love you too. So much.”

I kiss her again, and I don’t let her go until I feel her melt against me, and she sighs in my mouth. I need to reassure this amazing woman that she’s the most important person in my life. I need to show her.

“I’m so glad you came to see me,” she whispers. “You need to be kissed and smothered with love before you leave. I can’t do that over the phone.”

My Summer. Always looking out for me.

“When will we see each other? Your schedule for the next two weeks looks packed.”

“It is, but I’ll fly straight home after it’s over.”

“When are you flying to Chicago? I saw that your first interview is there.”

“Take off is scheduled in two hours. I was thinking about leaving part of my security team with you—”

“I don’t need it. You didn’t name me. I’ll be fine, Alex. Just fine. Don’t worry about me. Concentrate on the interviews. And by the way? I’m so proud of you for laying it all out like that, for doing things on your terms.”

I smile. I knew Summer would understand. She’s probably the only one who does.

“Thank you.”

“Have you heard from the studio execs yet?”

“Preston did. They’re pissed off. If they saw me as difficult before, now I’m their least favorite person. I’ll try to turn things around during these interviews.”

“I know you will.” I kiss her again, until she feels it in her very bones that she’s the one.

Chapter Thirty-Three


The week after my return from LA drags on forever. Olivia is on edge, snapping at everyone. I heard that in my absence, she yelled at Diana, who let slip that if I ever open my gallery, she’ll work for me even for free. As a result, I’m her least favorite person. The idea has been brewing in my mind for a long time, more so after the confrontation with Olivia last week.

During my breaks, I look online for spaces to rent, make lists of galleries I could work with and artists I’d like to feature. On a particularly reckless evening, I even pull up my old business plan template. Could I pull this off? I do have more experience. And lately, I found the courage too. Seeing Alex take risks has been rubbing off on me. He makes me want to dare more, to reach for what I want.

I’ve been feverishly watching his appearances. The fans adored his and Amy’s interview in LA. I can’t quite understand why, but Preston says it’s probably because they have two fresh happily ever afters to latch onto.

Gossip magazines still blast snippets of it. There is no word from the studio regarding the spin-off. Whenever someone asks Alex about his secret love, he smiles mysteriously and says it wouldn’t be a secret if he spilled the beans.

What with his back-to-back appearances and flights this week, we’ve only had time for short, quick conversations. I’m in a half mind to fly to New York, where his next appearance is. He needs love and pampering, and it’s hard to do that from a distance.

He needed me that night after the conference. Was I there to shower him with love and reassure him that his career won’t go up in flames—or that I’ll be there for him and support him even if it does? No, I was not.

What if he thinks we might not be meant to be together after all?

I try to push that thought away, but fear is a sneaky thing. I push it out the door, but it comes barreling back through a window, which prompts my sisters to whisk me to a spa on Saturday morning.

“You look like you need some girl time and pampering,” Pippa declares. I told them what went down in LA when I returned, and they’ve been watching over me like mother hens ever since.

“I’ll never say no to that.”

Alice nods vigorously. “We’re going for manicures, pedicures, massage, facials. The entire shebang.”

“Do you also need cookies? Cupcakes? Should we go all-out with tiramisu?” Pippa inquires as we climb into her car. “We need to estimate the seriousness of this.”

“I’m conflicted,” I say honestly. “But there’s no way we can go wrong with cupcakes, right?”
