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I tossed him a towel, and he dried himself off. Then he propped a knee on the towel, between my ankles. Leaning forward, he moved over me until we were almost face-to-face.

“I know what you were doing earlier,” he said in a raspy voice.

I planted a small kiss right in the hollow of his neck. “I was torturing you. No need to be coy about it. I’m owning up to it.” A deep groan reverberated in his chest. It was a deliciously masculine sound. “It didn’t help with the blue balls situation, did it?” He skimmed a hand up my arm, bringing it to the back of my neck. He lowered his head to whisper in my ear.

“You knew exactly what you were doing to me.”

“Oh, yeah. Tit for tat.”

“You’ll pay for that. I won’t let you come tonight.”

I licked my lips. Holy hell, I had not been banking on that.

“What? I didn’t hear you correctly. I think you meant, I will make you come repeatedly.”

He took my earlobe between his teeth, tugged a little. “You heard me right. I’ll eat you out, fill you with my cock, but I won’t let you come.” He moved, sitting right next to me, watching me as if he hadn’t just turned me on and terrified me at the same time.

“You’re that cruel?”

“Wait and see.”

I debated going toe to toe with him on this, but I decided to keep my cards close to my chest: I could be just as cruel.

We had dinner on the beach and afterward we watched the water and the sun, and I couldn’t remember ever feeling happier.

“Oh, I forgot, do you have time for a dinner sometime next week? At my parents’ house?”


“It’s going to be a crazy affair. I bet my brother will also make time to come.”

“I already met your family.”

Every single member of my family had dropped by the inn on the nights when it was my turn to supervise the handyman, under one pretense or another.

“Well, yes, but now they’re all together. More intimidating.”

“I’m a cop. I can’t be intimidated.”

“Won’t stop them from trying.”

“I’ll handle it. Just don’t schedule it on Wednesday. Actually, I wanted to ask you to keep it free.”


“You’ll see.”

I lifted my head, watching him closely. “Tell me.”


I poked his chest. He grinned. I poked below his navel. His gaze fell on my lips. When I moved my hand even lower, he gripped it. I had another free hand though, and I used it smartly. I went in for the kill, tickling his armpit. He was so surprised that he let my other hand go too. Big mistake, Detective. I tickled his other armpit too, straddling him. My attack only lasted a few seconds. He caught my hands, holding them suspended in the air. I became aware of our position. My groin was above his navel, and my nipples were practically in his face. As if knowing how close they were to Will’s mouth, the girls perked up.

“Fine, you dangerous woman. I’m taking you to the Griffith Observatory.”


“You know your constellations, so I thought you’d like to see a meteor shower. I’ve been researching their page for something like that. And they announced it for Wednesday.”

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