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“So... we know you made a business proposal to Paige, but are you planning to make any other kind of proposal?” Val asked, her tone casual. She feigned studying her fingernails, but she was stealing glances at me.

“Are you trying to fish out of me if I’m planning to ask her to marry me?”

Val nodded. “Yes, I am. Actually, I’m sure you do. The question is when. And how? Do you need tips?”

“You could have been more subtle about it,” Hailey critiqued.

“Or... you could have asked me when Hailey wasn’t around,” I supplied. Annoying my little sister was one of the simple pleasures in life. Why deny myself?

Hailey made a choking sound, and in that moment, she looked more like her younger, bratty self than the polished PR-pro.

“You too? How long am I going to have to pay for past mistakes? I work with celebrities now. I’ve learned to keep secrets.”

Val and I carefully avoided looking at each other.

I schooled my tone to appear apologetic. “Hailey, I love you, but you’ve busted more surprise parties and gifts than I can count. Whatever secret-keeping abilities you’ve developed, I’m sure they come in handy at work, but when it comes to family stuff....”

Hailey groaned. “Damn it. I can’t even bribe you with anything. Any celebrity you’d like to meet?”

I cocked a brow. Then she held up a finger, as if struck by a sudden idea. “What if I promise not to hire a stripper for Paige’s bachelorette party if you tell me now? Keep quiet at your own risk.”

“You’re not bringing her a stripper,” I said through gritted teeth.

“That’s not for you to decide, is it? Oh, brother, when are you going to learn that you can’t outmatch me?” She wore a shit-eating grin now. I turned to Val, looking for support, but our oldest sister was too busy being impressed by Hailey’s blackmailing skills.

“Hats off to you,” Val said.

“I’m going to call your bluff,” I said as we entered the house. She smirked at my confidence, but I had means of stopping any ill-advised plans. Game on, little sis. Game on.

“Where are Pippa and Eric?” Val asked once we were inside.

Our cousin Pippa and her husband, Eric, were also here. Her stepdaughter Julie was studying at UCLA, and they had come to take her home for Christmas.

“I’m here,” Pippa called, coming in from the direction of the kitchen. “Eric and I wanted to give Jace and Paige a hand.”

Well, now I was more confident about our dinner.

“How is Julie?” Val asked.

“Happy. Enjoying college, and dating... which is why she isn’t here tonight. Had a goodbye date before Christmas break, much to Eric’s chagrin.” Pippa smiled saucily.

“Not used to Julie being all grown up?” I asked.

“Not at all. But at least Mia and Elena still have a few years of childhood left. He’s a great husband and father, but stresses too much over the girls. In a perfect world, he’d like to veto anyone who asks Julie out.”

Julie was Eric’s daughter from his first marriage. He’d had her when he was very young, hence the large age difference between Julie and her younger sisters.

“Hey, if any boyfriend needs vetoing or being scared away, our brothers can be of excellent use. Right, Will?” Val asked.

I grinned. “Absolutely. At your service, cousin. I can be extra smooth, or extra scary. Depends on what the situation requires.”

“Oh, I’ll keep that in mind. I’m always in favor of smooth, though I think my dear husband might prefer scary.”

“I can always team up with Jace. He can play the smooth part, and I can do my part if scary is required,” I offered.

“That sounds very promising. And speaking of Jace... is it my impression or is he....” She narrowed her eyes, as if searching for the right word.

“Afraid of you?” I filled in the blanks.

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